Smiling at the Future

She is clothed with strength and dignity,
    and she laughs without fear of the future. P3125

How good and amazing is the Lord, My Beloved Heavenly Husband, the only one who truly loves me and understands my unique situation. Thanks to this revelation that my Beloved truly loves me, that He wants to bless me, guide me to green pastures, and give me rest is my faith renew everyday. 

When I see the amount of blessings that He had poured into my life I can just honestly say thank you My Beloved!

Much of these blessing comes from my decision to be obedient no matter what. When I came to this ministry I was freaking out, hurt, and tired, I read and listened to Chapter 1, "My Beloved" and I understood that my life needed to change.

I needed to listen to my Beloved´s voice follow His lead, and give up control! Yes surrender and trust, but I think one of the things I was most scared about was surrendering my finances. This chapter opened my eyes at the truth of Tithing Chapter 15, "Opening the Windows of Heaven" but I was scared.

I was a mom. I was a broke mom! I had no money. I owe everything, how I was going to do it, I didn´t know but I was getting to know who my Lord was, and He wanted to show me, and ladies He did. The tithe seemed so outlandish. Yet, I thought about it. I prayed about it. I argued with Him about it. I knew the Lord was prompting me to give.

Nothing miraculous happened the day I started tithing or the next or many others to follow. I just kept giving. I actually felt good about it. I knew I was living in obedience to something My Beloved had prompted on my heart to do. Most importantly, I learned that my giving was flowing from the love I had for my Heavenly Husband and not because He needed my money or that I was under religious tradition or legalism. I gave cheerfully, not because of what I expected in return or what I thought I deserved, but because of all He had done to save me. My tithe was symbolic of my surrender. "Lord, I thought, you can have it all. It’s all yours, anyway."

The more I gave, the more I was blessed. I was blessed in many ways –  emotionally, spiritually, and financially. My life was changed, He opened Heaven for me, for my family! Over the next several years, I moved away from counting my coins, had my broken heart healed through His grace, and made a decent living. All of those things were blessings from my obedience to the tithe, to His word, to His ways- I let go of myself and started trusting in the Lord of Heavens!

I am a different person today because I am the bride of a King, I surrender everything to Him and know I am blessed, protected and have strength because He is “The Source of your Strength”, we are never alone anymore.

My sweet ladies we have now the power to trust in our Beloved and let Him change our lives forever! Decide today to surrender your life, finances, and family to Him! I can attest that your life will change forever if you are brave enough to trust in Him!

"So not only are there spiritual laws that were set in place when God created the universe, God has also established powerful financial laws, which He has shared with us in His Word, and only a Wise Woman will study and hide them in her heart! We can either benefit from following the laws or we can choose to be ignorant of them and suffer the consequences when we don’t. It does not matter if we are ignorant of them or have chosen to reject them; these laws, like gravity, exist and cannot be changed no matter how we feel about them."
God is a God who longs to be gracious to us; He longs to bless us! “Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him.” (Isaiah 30:18).
Erin Thiele "Opening Heaven" Wise Woman in Waiting

Today I am smiling at the future because my future, family, and everything I own is on His Hands and I know who my Provider is!

Be Encouraged! Let´s speak life!


9 thoughts on “Smiling at the Future”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Isabella, I must also testify that it felt so very good to start giving the Lord what rightfully was His and I also said the day I stopped bargaining with God about when I would pay (and by the way I planned on tithing later), but my Darling wanted me to trust Him when I had little and that same day it tithed and it felt like a heavy load fell of my shoulder because then I could just give it all to my Darling and He for sure took all my financial worries and He is my Provider and by the way, the best ever Provider!!!

    1. Yes my Janine, Our Beloved wants us to trust in Him and just take the first step and listen to His voice!

  2. When my Beloved opened my eyes to the truth of tithing, I had never tithed in my life, I had many fears, because I understood this principle when I was not financially independent, over time my Beloved spoke to me with His truth, then He opened the door to me. possibility of earning a small income on my own and the first time I tithed, I remember it was one of the happiest days of my life, I had the conviction in my heart that it was the right thing to do. I still remember that the joy of giving my Beloved what was his and seeing that he did it with love, removed all fear from my heart. There I understood that obeying him gives life; and that the peace of doing the right thing was indescribable, I understood that it was a vote of confidence and a demonstration that I would trust Him for everything. “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be enough room to store it. “M310

    1. Yes Perla, we have to listen to His voice and believe that, obeying as you said does give lives. This is for His glory and He is calling us today, to trust, surrender, and know His voice!

  3. Dear Isabella, thank you for sharing how the Lord will bless us when we obey and tithe. I am so glad that RMI “tackled” the difficult topic of tithing – something I did not learn from church. We brides are called to obey and trust and from so many testimonies, we have seen blessings poured into our lives when we CHOOSE to start tithing.

    1. Sweet Gioia, He blesses us when we trust in HIM. I feel the same way, understanding tithing was something I learned here, and reading all the amazing testimonies that brides all over the world share is just amazing. This is something that is real, His protection, His blessings, that is why I want to share it, because I want all brides to experience this truth, Heaven open, families restored, blessed, heal. The Lord loves so much and when we trust and obey our lives change forever!

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