Something Spoke to My Heart

โ™• Today's Promise: โ€œAnd forgive us our debts, as we have also forgiven our debtors.โ€ Matthew 6:12

From ~ Perla in Ecuador

โ˜Š PR Podcast Perla

Beloved, it is so important to constantly remember the blessings that our Beloved makes in our lives, they would be so many!!! My heart has seen life in His arms and that is why He reminded me of the importance of always recalling everything that He has done in our lives since He called us to this beautiful journey.

And it is because His Presence is now so indispensable and normal in my day that sometimes we lose that precious emotion of enjoying what He has done in our lives. This testimony explains this, I had not realized this blessing until a few moments ago it reminded me and HE has to take all the Glory ๐Ÿ™‚

A few days ago, I had to receive money because of a couple of loans I made to relatives, (I must say here that at first I wanted to tell him that I would give it away and that I would not lend it, but sadly, I could not say a word at that moment) thus that they agreed to return it this month, but my Beloved made me practice the principle of giving and doing it happily, just one day after receiving the borrowed money I was recording quite long audios for the praise testimonies, one in particular that lasted 17 minutes, it was taking particularly long.

That particular audio I had to record three times, because either I was blocked when speaking, or an outside sound was recorded or lastly because it was erased when I finished recording; I could not get the audio ready.

I remember that I told my Beloved that it was particularly rare that I had a problem with that audio, when I read it again there was a part that spoke about Matthew 6:12, of course until I understood what he wanted to say I could not finish recording, blessed love.

Obviously something spoke to my heart, there I understood why it took so long ... Love, are you asking me to forgive the debt? To be honest with you, I felt emotion and love, because my Beloved did not allow me to miss the blessing that comes from Him, because at first I could not execute a word to tell my relatives.

So I accepted! I told him that if it was His will, He would do it and with a tremendous smile, knowing that I was defeating something in me. I must comment that one of the obstacles why I did not say that it was a gift at the time of the loan was because I was afraid that something will be missing as food, and a trip that I was planning to do with my daughter, you know to take her to the movies or an amusement park so we can enjoy some time doing an activity outside the home. I cannot say that the amount was considerable but it was enough for me to go to the market and take my daughter to have fun, without any problem.

When the day of payment arrived, I could happily say that with a lot of love they did not have to return that money to me, that it was a gift and that they would use it for whatever they needed, at first they resisted but I told them that it was with a lot of love and I allow yourself to be an instrument to bless you. I could feel that they understood that it was a blessing that did not necessarily come from me!!!! But I could feel that love when giving it that only comes from HIM, and of course that freedom and joy that obeying our Beloved gives you when he asks you to do something that costs you.

A few days passed, and I could see how my Beloved does not forget anything, although it was not until today that I realized everything, this week my earthly husband asked me to be ready because if I wanted we could accompany him to a shopping center. I really did not have any slight idea that it was for the three of us to spend time together, so we went; my surprise was that he took us out to eat, to walk, and to take the baby to an amusement park and finally to go shopping. I must confess that it seemed strange to me because my earthly husband unfortunately does not have a job and yet it is not logical to spend the money he has from savings on these things, but I did not relate that attitude to what had happened days before.

Today when I was talking with my Beloved, he showed me the purchase invoice that my earthly husband accidentally left at home, and seeing the value, I could see his immense fidelity, I definitely could not stay without sharing this testimony of His power, it not only helped me to overcome an obstacle but showed me that He does not forget the desires of our hearts.

โ€œAnd forgive us our debts, as we have also forgiven our debtors.โ€ Matthew 6:12

The fidelity of my Love is beautiful even when our strength fails, even when we fail to do the right thing, He lifts us up, encourages us, does not let us lose the experience of enjoying His Love in ways that make it clear that it could only be HE.

Perla is aย tithingโ€‹ partner. Learn more.