๐Ÿ’—Spending Sundays with Him

"Theย Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul." Psalms 23:1-3

Dear Brides,

I would like to encourage you to spend time with your Beloved today, spend time in His Word,ย doing Fellowship Courses like the Living Lessons and singing Love โค๏ธ Songs to Him.


This week we'll continue with the Advanced Living Lessons.

Today's Lesson:

wLL 43 โ€œLL Is Your Cup Half Empty? Half Full? Or???โ€

๐Ÿ’—Please go to the lesson ๐Ÿ’—LoveAtLast and share what He showed you in the comment section below the lesson.ย 


You can also join the NarrowRoad Book Club Fellowship on Sundays: NarrowRoad Book Club OR start your own Zoom Fellowship.

How do you spend your Sundays with your Heavenly Husband? Please share with us in the comment section below.

2 thoughts on “๐Ÿ’—Spending Sundays with Him”

  1. My Sundays with Him have been of complete rest in His arms of love. Since my daughter has a lot of activities during the week, I’m always taking her to one thing or another: school, volleyball, beach tennis, and when Sunday comes where I can stop for a bit and throw myself completely into Her arms, I do that. with great joy, because I know that I will not be tired, quite the contrary, I will receive from Him the renewal and strength I need to start another week, always having Him in charge of all activities.
    I don’t spend my Sundays like before, I know that every day we are together, but every Sunday He calls me to do something different, but we always spend the whole day together, praying, praising and reading his word.
    Today when I woke up I was able to read the devotionals and encouragements, and He also led me to take my daughter to have a delicious coffee at a wonderful cafรฉ near our home, ๐Ÿฅฐ Oh how loving and affectionate He is with us!
    And very early in the morning we were invited to lunch at my sister’s house, where she will prepare that delicious Minas Gerais feijoada, mainly because our days are still very cold here in Minas Gerais. I know that this invitation is His affection and love so that I can rest more, and then my plan is to take a nap, let’s see how He will direct us…
    A super kiss to all and a happy and blessed Sunday with Him ๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’•

  2. Je rends grace a Dieu pour ce dimanche dans lecture du 3 eme chapitre de mentalitรฉ de pauvre… Avant de remplir mon journal je prends 1 jour pour laisser a Dieu de me parler sur ce chapitre…

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