💗Spending Sundays with Him – You are Mine

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!" Isaiah 43:1

Dear Brides,

I would like to encourage you to spend time with your Beloved today:

This week we'll continue with the Advanced Living Lessons.

In today's lesson the author shares:

"Sadly, however, there is one characteristic that has been twisted to mean something disgraceful! A widely accepted concept of a good character trait that became a sort of disease—labeled in such a way that it’s utterly disgusting when you stop to think about it. Today it’s time to rid ourselves from all such “misidentified characteristics” that are not only God-given characteristics but what should be embraced."

Read More:

wLL 49 “Misidentified Characteristic”


💗Please go to the lesson 💗LoveAtLast and share what He showed you in the comment section below the lesson. 


You can also join the NarrowRoad Book Club Fellowship on Fridays: NarrowRoad Book Club OR start your own Zoom Fellowship.

How do you spend your Sundays with your Heavenly Husband? Please share with us in the comment section below.

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