Such was I

I am busy going through Restore Your Relationships and I just saw again how wonderful my Husband is. When I started this course, I was telling Him that I don't have a relationship at this moment that needs to be restored. I trusted that maybe He will show me, someone, as I go through the course. Can I tell you, ladies, even if I don't have anyone specific in mind as I am going through these chapters, I have not as yet, read a chapter and not gotten something profound out of it. He is so utterly amazing. I am really enjoying this and I would suggest if you are currently looking for a course to go through, take the Restore Your Relationships Course.

I am busy with Lesson 8 "First to throw a stone" and this scripture jumped out at me: β€œAnd such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God.”

My Husband reminded me when I did this lesson, to never forget where I came from. How absolutely lost I was when I fell on my knees that day, asking Him if He exists. Still when I think back on all the emotions that washed over me that day, not one of them was condemnation. No, it was hope for the future that washed over me and an absolute love I felt in that moment, that I can probably never explain, even if I knew each word in the dictionary.

Later, He showed me my sins and I asked forgiveness for them as He reminded me, but in that moment, which I see as the moment I gave my heart and live to Him, there was not the slightest bit of condemnation. It is true when He says: " I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world”

Oh, and I want to thank Adina for going out before me and building the bridge for this course. I am enjoying listening to your videos as you teach through these lessons.

1 thought on “Such was I”

  1. I can totally relate to what you shared Yvonne, I also couldn’t think of a relationship that needed to be restored when I started this course, BUT every lesson is a reminder of how I used to be and how far my HH brought me and how much He changed me. If it wasn’t for Him, I would still be in denial of my own sins and the way I was, justifying all my actions.
    Being reminded of all these principles again, can only help us to maintain the relationships we do have with our children or family, because we will have the wisdom and the principles to live by.

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