I thank each partner for giving me the privilege of taking this course Finding the Abundant Life that has enriched…
This wonderful gift, the book “Finding the Abundant Life ” sponsored by RMI partners, was very edifying for my life. My…
Thank you, Partners, for investing in my life which has changed drastically because of these Courses. I finally have found…
I would like to thank you immensely for the gift of this Finding the Abundant Life course, for your willingness…
Thank you, dear sisters, for investing in my life and my future testimony. This journey for me has been amazing.…
Dear Partners, I cannot tell you how grateful I am for this Course, the readings, the message, and the blessings.…
This RYM book completely changed my life! It opened my eyes! My understanding enabled me to be a woman totally…
Dear Partners – I couldn’t have done this without you, and your generous gift of love to support me in…
Praise the LORD, God is Good all the time and HE is Faithful, it feels so good to dwell in…