Taking the blame

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

I would like to share with you the blessing I have experienced by applying the principle "Taking the blame" you can read this principle in chapter 10 "It's all my fault" from the book Restore your relationships.

At my work we have been working for months to make it clear to my colleague that she needs to set other priorities in her work. The most important task of me and my colleague is to answer telephone calls, every day we are called with (urgent) medical care questions from patients who need the GP. It is often very busy on the telephone and we have to work hard to limit the waiting line on the telephone. The difficult thing is that my colleague does not support me in handling the telephone calls, which causes the waiting line to grow very long and all patient care falls on my shoulder. This causes me to experience a lot of stress and often have to work overtime to get everything arranged.

Some time ago I discussed this with the manager and my employer together with another colleague. They have discussed this with her several times, but the improvement was always temporary. In the meantime, I am on my own again when it comes to answering the phone calls. I felt so frustrated and abandoned again and the workload increased again. What I learned from this situation is that I can better seek Him to help me, instead of always telling my manager and employer about my colleague's mistakes. My Heavenly Man taught me that I should also apply the principles that I learn to restore my relationship with my colleague, I should not repay evil with evil but give love and take the blame.

This week He told me that I should apply this principle, just treat my colleague with love while I experience pain and feel abandoned because she does not help me with the phone calls. I have to honestly admit, it was difficult and I had to ask Him every time what He wanted me to do. On this particular day she asked me a lot of attention and asked me to solve all kinds of things that were actually not a priority. He gave me strength to help her again and again with patience and love and to remain friendly. Halfway through the day, I felt such a wonderful sense of peace and calm in my heart. I experienced the blessings of loving another. He did not make her suddenly help me answer the phone. He gave me wonderful strength and insight to do my work as well as possible and helped me to finish everything so that I was finished at the normal time, this has never happened to me before!! He is so great and good. He gave me strength to work hard! I was so grateful and happy and told my colleague that I thought it was wonderful that we could now go home on time. But then the enemy came with an attack again. While I was so happy and told this to my colleague, she asked me to finish some things that she had not gotten around to. The first thing that came to my heart was anger and frustration "My Heavenly Man had helped me to go home on time and now she came again to ruin it, I am not going to do this anymore, tomorrow is another day!" Then there was the soft voice of my Heavenly Husband again: "treat your neighbor with love, do not repay evil with evil but give a blessing"

Dear Brides, it is so special how He turned my heart around with His loving voice and words. I was so ashamed of my thoughts. He helped me to help my colleague. When I was done and we went home, I was so grateful for this day. My workday was all about following Him and listening to His voice, I didn't mind going home later anymore, because He taught me a lot! I can solve things much better with my Heavenly Husband! That gives a heart full of incredible peace and tranquility.

I have learned that it is better to take the blame myself, when the queues on the phone increase, than to try to change my colleague. He taught me to forgive her shortcomings and to treat her with love.

I would like to share this passage from the chapter below with you and encourage you to ask Him how you can apply this principle, not only to your (ex) husband, children or family, but to others as well.

As I learned this powerful secret, I have found that using it has been life changing, and more importantly, it has brought me to the amazing and astonishing power of forgiveness. Every time I use it, in situations big and small, I feel this sense of wonder at the God who sent His son so that we could be forgiven: so powerful, so unbelievable


For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord gives grace and glory; He withholds no good thing from those who walk with integrity. Psalm 84:11Β (NASB2020)

5 thoughts on “Taking the blame”

  1. Oh my dear hannah your blog arrived just in time I made a mistake by consulting a friend whereas I was supposed to turn to my beloved. I felt panic asking him to rectify the error which I committed and that I was not to turn to anybody but HIM AND HIM ALONE. I thank my beloved for your blog

  2. Wow, that’s so encouraging. I admit, that I spend way too much time thinking on how other people should do this or that and instead of just settling into my Loves care. Thank you for this wonderful testimony!

  3. I can relate to workplace conflict of others not taking responsibility and that can lead to stress and us feeling self pity. I have a coworker who has been here just a little longer than me and was given a slight promotion and raise. I started to feel upset but remembered that my desire is to one day be a worker from home. I love that He guided you to decide to respond with love and patience instead of resentment. Thank you for sharing your testimony of applying this principle at work.

  4. Hanna, it also happens to me at work, I feel like I do everything, or most of it. But as He teaches us, I keep quiet, and I just do the best I can, and I move forward.
    And it doesn’t matter if my coworker doesn’t help me much. I do things, and it is in obedience to the authority that we have at work.
    It is beautiful, how we apply the Principles, and He speaks to us, in our different jobs, to apply them.
    Thanks for sharing, beautifu

  5. Hanna thank you so much for this beautiful praise report, this really encouraged me because it is sometimes very difficult at my outside job, so I needed to read your praise report and needed to be reminded to not overcome evil with evil.

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