โ Today's Promise: "Likewise, be your wives in subjection to your husbands, that even those who do not believe the word may be won over by the conduct of their wives without a word." 1 Peter 3:1
I would like to praise the Lord for guiding me into the forgiveness of my local church. More than a month ago, after reading testimonies and lessons about a spiritual leader, the Lord put more and more into my heart to let go of my local church and spend more time with Him. I thought of my husband who hadn't been to church with me before we broke up. Although we live in different countries and he has only recently contacted me, I thought that for the first time I would consider his wish that I should not go to church and learn to submit to him.
My eyes were also open to temptation and distraction during my RJ (Restoration Journey) by going to the local church. But as it was also a blessing in my life, I first thought that I would allow myself a month off to see the Lord guide me. It was a very fruitful month. I also gave up social media and meetings. I spent more time on RMI books, praying, fasting, and reading the Word, and my love for the Lord grew stronger and more I heard Him.
I am still learning to live with Him as my Heavenly Husband (HH) because this is such a new concept for me. Even if I do not fully understand it yet, I know it is based on the Word and I am learning to know Him as my Husband. Every day I see how He cares for and loves me. I have started coming to Him with every question, problem, hurt or decision, and not to others as before, but I also spend my time thanking Him and praising Him for the miracles He works in my life.
He is the reason I live, He gives me strength, peace, joy, He changes my heart's desires, He makes me a blessing to others through what He teaches me. He is everything to me, I love Him so much and I cannot describe how grateful I am that He has led me to this ministry and teaching that has liberated me in many ways and guided me on my path, because RMI is based on His amazing Word that I began to love more and more.
In addition to a closer relationship with the Lord, I also entered a new period with my earthly husband. We met yesterday after seven months of not seeing each other because he wanted to talk. During this meeting, many of my prayers were answered and his heart was softened towards me. I believe the Lord has prepared me for this by putting in my heart the forgiveness of the church at this time, focusing on RMI courses and books, and more frequent fasting and prayer.
From what my husband said, how he acted and how he looked at me, I think he saw another woman that I became after starting my Restoration Journey, taking courses and developing a deep relationship with the Lord. My earthly husband has been reluctant to talk or meet for months and was determined to get divorced, but now he's not sure what he wants anymore, so we'll be in touch about what's next. Praise the Lord!
I have a conviction in my heart to completely let go of my local church and I want to know the Lord even closer as my Heavenly Husband, to hear more from Him, to love Him more. I wish He would always be my First Love, especially now that I have more contact with my husband to let go more and let Him transform me. I want to start serving other women, reviewing courses and books again, renewing my mind and heart.
Dear sister, I encourage you to draw closer to the Lord as your Heavenly Husband. He cares about every detail of your life and loves you more than anyone ever will. Nothing compares to a deep relationship with Him, and everything starts to fall into place when He is first in our hearts.
1 Peter 3:1โย "Likewise, be your wives in subjection to your husbands, that even those who do not believe the word may be won over by the conduct of their wives without a word."
I have always wanted to win a husband for the Lord with my words, but I was not submissive or respected him. I was also a Pharisee, and that drew my earthly husband even more from the Truth. The Lord teaches me to surrender without saying a word and I believe through testimonies and God's Word that this is the way to get a husband. I let go of him, let God deal with him and change his heart, and I focus on developing a relationship with my Heavenly Husband and being a wise woman.
Isaiah 54:5 โ "For your husband is your Creator, the Lord of hosts - this is his name, and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel - he will be called the God of all the earth."
~ Tiara in Poland
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