The best beauty treatment!!

While I was asking my Husband what to share today, I went to one of the orientation and encouragement meetings for the ladies who complete our Marriage Assessment Questionnaire and after introducing her to the web pages of the Spanish ministry and sharing how she can begin her restoration journey, my Beloved led me to encourage her because she thought restoration was impossible, was what everyone, including her Pastors, was telling her, after five years apart, she saw it as something that would have no chance, however, there is a little bit of hope that attracted her to this ministry.

My Beloved guided me "No matter how much time has passed, with God everything is possible, It doesn't matter if there is another woman, with God everything is possible, it doesn't matter if your circumstances seem to go against you, with God everything is possible" after saying it and encouraging her even more, I felt a significant injection of encouragement in my heart that fills me with joy! I feel fantastic with my radiant smile!!! It is the best beauty treatment!!

The principle of encouraging others is so powerful that it not only blesses the recipient, but it blesses us when we give! If you are going through some pain in your life, some difficult test, remember that by giving encouragement (even if you no longer have it) you receive it multiplied. You will feel recharged with encouragement and new strength.

You could start here: Post Your Praise ๐Ÿฅณ

2 thoughts on “The best beauty treatment!!”

  1. I totally agree with you with the principle of encouraging others, my dear Anastasia. Two days ago I had conversation with my EH, when he suddenly get angry and left. I did not had chance to explain him that he understood the things wrong. It was late night and I was thinking to write him email explaining the things or as I planed before to post my praises. Then I said to my Dear Beloved: “You know what? This issue with my EH is yours. (as it is one topic with my father and their relationship needs to be restored and I absolutely cannot do it) My words do all the things just worst (like it is happened more time before), so I let You this and I go encourage the ladies.” And exactly as you said Anastasia, I felt so fantastic and peaceful. Much love Anissa ๐Ÿ™‚

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