The Father You Never Had

While revising the Daily Devotional and inserting "child" after Beloved, my Husband spoke to me about all of you women who, for whatever reason, missed the loving father you and all children deserve to have to give them the security to grow. This was not my childhood; therefore, it was easy to understand the love and protection of my Heavenly Father, but I do know many of you did lack, and therefore He's here to heal you and make you whole.

In an instant, my Husband reminded me of the healing our adorable Dutch Minister, Kristine experienced from reading one of the HGM WW4HP and then about Mr. God the life-changing interaction I had with Yvonne (life-changing for me and I believe also for her). It's not until now, after becoming such close friends with Yvonne and knowing her childhood, that I understand why she would see and address her HF so formally.

Dear sweet favorite daughter of the Most High God, the Father—YES, YOU! If this is news to you if you have never felt the loving security and strength of your earthly father, then it's time to get to know your true Father, and He led me here to invite you to begin your day by getting to know Him properly. Meet the other children, your sisters, along with today's children (tomorrow's adults).

If you have children, we invite you to make this a family affair, as Yvonne is doing with her two children, studying the My Beloved to begin their day.

2 thoughts on “The Father You Never Had”

  1. This makes my heart happy to hear 💕
    I was abandoned by my father at about three years old. My mother never has been married and stayed single our (my brother and I) entire lives. I never had that bond, although never having it… I don’t know if I missed out or not. It was normal to me.
    Can’t wait to share these devotionals with the boys.

  2. Thank you, Erin, yes, it was indeed life-changing for me in order to find my Heavenly Husband and know that He is everything I will ever need. He did not become my Heavenly Husband immediately, I first needed a Father and a Friend for some healing to take place, but wow now I can look back on my childhood and my own father, and instead of being angry that he was not the dad I longed for, I feel sorry for what he must have gone through, the struggle he must have had to try and be a good a dad. My hope is that he found the truth towards the end of his life and I will see him again one day. ❤

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