The Heavy Burden Disappears

♕ Today's Promise: "For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.” Mark 12:44


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~ Mia in Colombia

☊ PRAISE Audio

I definitely want to praise My Love for His blessing and promises that become real today. It's my first time reporting in English and I want to yell what my Heavenly Love has done. To contextualize you dear brides, I will provide a short background of my journey to meet my Soul Lover.

I am a mom of one of His princess. He has given me incredible blessings for example a supernatural birth and the chance to quit working and He transforms my heart by lightning the desire to be 'full-time' mom. To get to this point, He has been showing me the importance and the reward of being a homeworker for Him.

By the time I stop working and being home with the baby, I had time enough to get closer to Him and start journaling my needs, my fears and each positive or negative thoughts and feelings. It takes me some time, to learn how to go to Him for help and for support. Bringing to the end the bad habits of asking others opinions, searching for 'a way' to do whatever and commenting every detail to others.

It hasn't been easy for me to go through the process of having no money, to stop getting a 'secure' wage and to depend on His will. It's a process and process has high and low hills. Some days I feel full of contentment, happiness and fulfillment but others, I struggle with having good attitude when my earthly husband says 'we can't afford it for now' or 'it's better to wait', also to be grateful for I have and not just to complain about the lack of some things.

The trials came in my finances. This year has been particularly difficult for the increase of basic food basket due to inflation, our motorcycle was stolen, I had crashed my neighbor's car and I had to pay for reparation. It seems like a series of unfortunate things.

But there was one thing I have learnt to do that has made the difference: tithing. It is my protection, it's what He dares to do with outstanding results. But being a mom without any payment (apart from my baby's kisses and earthly husband's compliments ☺️) results challenging.

However, my earthly husband gives me some money for groceries and supplies and I took the change, some coins (with his permission to keep them)... One day, the enemy tells me a lie, like well your Father loves you, why do you just have a few coins... I get rid of his comments and bring to my mind the story of that widow who gave all she had: few coins. God listened to my prayers and I could increase my tithe with a bonus provided by my sister.

Some days ago, I went to my Love and I said to Him that we couldn't get to the end of the month, I enlisted the missing things and I cried and prayed. My lovely Husband calls me to study the living lesson # 6 and after confessing my regrets of trusting too much on the money since I was a young lady and by saying that He must be all I want, desire and long for... The heavy burden disappears.

That day after 2 hours of journaling my learning from the lesson and confessing to my sister some thoughts she needed to know, my earthly husband called me to say: 'I was promoted, I will be the manager of the company's projects, and I will have a salary increase of 50% percent of my current income."

My happiness is not reduced by the money it goes further... My joy comes from my God, I rejoice in the Lord. He is being supportive by giving me the chance to stay home learning how to bring a baby up with His principles and to learn more with RMI (Restore Ministries International) resources.

"For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.” Mark 12:44

I had given to HIm all I have: my heart is His and I'm totally His.

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Mia is a tithing partner. Learn more.

If you have PRAISE about your Financial Situation, please share it HERE.