The Lord Made Me Whole

"We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne." H12:2

After reading Chapter 6 of Facing Divorce Again I was reminded that there is more peace, joy, and fulfillment that can be yours (and mine), not just when you have a spouse, or when we are restored, but right now, because of who God is and who the LORD wants to be to us in your lives.

I'm going to be honest, years ago when my husband left me I thought he was the only one who could make me whole again but I was so wrong because after a restored marriage I still didn't feel whole and today I can testify that it is only the Lord who could make me whole.

Please read this passage quoted from the lesson Chapter 6:

"What each woman must do, married or not, is to find her happiness not in herself (as the world or feminist have tried to convince her), not in a man, but in deep intimacy with the Lord that does not come from attending church, but in time spent alone with the Lord.

Many times, I have tried to relate these feelings to men and women who are earnestly seeking restoration, but they still believe that if they were to seek the Lord as I have sought Him, it would result in them also being forever single. Not so!"

So precious dearest bride spend enough time alone with the Lord and allow Him to make you whole.

16 thoughts on “The Lord Made Me Whole”

  1. I took believed at one time that it might mean I would be single forever if I loved Him above all else. Now I’m at the point in my journey, where I am so excited to have Him mold my heart into HIM. I am ready for it.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Rasa, having Him mold our hearts is really exciting.
      I remember I never ever wanted to be single so it became an obsession to have a restored marriage, but today He is all I want, all I need and now that I have Him, He is really truly all I need.

  2. Yes Janine it doesnt matter, married or single. And being married does not make you whole or take away your worries or concerns or hurts. We will always feel that void that only HE can fulfill. Even tho l am restored l still need Him. Especially when something is wrong and especially when l know l dont have the right heart or attitude l know its because l have a lack of Him.

    Thank you for sharing πŸ₯°

    1. Yes precious Atarah, only He can fulfill the void.
      I love this part in – Dear friend, if you are hurting, if you are falling apart, if you are shaken or trembling then you simply need more of Him.

  3. Despite the restoration of my marriage, I still experienced pain and emptiness, then feelings of guilt for having these emotions. God had answered my prayers and fulfilled my desires, yet I still struggled.

    Each woman must find her happiness through intimacy with the Lord.

    He has a plan for each of our lives, and when we surrender our desires, He can take over and provide us with an abundant life. This abundant life offers true joy and fulfillment, which every human being seeks. πŸ’•

  4. I agree with you precious Hope. each woman must find her happiness through a real intimate relationship with our Darling Lord.

  5. Dear Janine, I know what you mean, you can be in a marriage, or a relationship, and still have a huge void inside. That void can only be fulfilled by the Lord, your Heavenly Husband. He is the only one that can truly fill us with unconditional love and fill that void!

    1. Yes precious Adina the void can only be filled by our Darling Lord, I wish I realized it years ago, but again that is part of our testimony to help other hurting women always realize that.

  6. A complete reality. I fight really hard for my time with My Beloved. He is the only one who can fill my “love tank”. Pondering in what He has done, in all the beautiful promises and love letters He left for us. I had to really abide in Him and analize His love for me. Because His love is to great and so filling that you font need anything else. πŸ’•

    1. Yes precious Isabella, His love is really great and filling, when we are filled with His love we don’t need the world’s love.

  7. So True! I am restored to my Beloved. My earthly marriage is not restored but recently I was pursued by a man and also pursued by my FH. My first thought was it was nice to be wanted again but it caused me to realize that they don’t have it. They don’t have the love that only my Beloved can give me. They can’t fill my heart the way only my Beloved does. They were so far from the love my Beloved Husband gives me that now I just pray for others to turn their hearts to the Lord so they can know His love too. I dont know what my future holds. I only want the will of my husband to be done. Whatever He asks of me I’ll do but for now I’m so happy and I run into the arms of my Beloved for everything I need. I only need more of Him and less of me and less of everyone else. I am living the abundant life full of love, joy and peace. I so enjoy my time alone with my Beloved Husband. I really don’t have a need or want for anyone else in my life anymore.

    1. Yes precious Ruby that really don’t have it, and it took me long to realize it and I never ever want to go back feeling so empty. It is so wonderful how our Darling Lord fills our hearts with His love, that really surpasses all understanding.

  8. I also experience, just like the other brides, that we only find true Love with Him. He loves us unconditionally, no man on earth can match that. Now that I experience how wonderful it is to live the abundant life with my Beloved. I no longer long for my earthly marriage, for nothing I want to return to the life in which I did not experience His love.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Hanna, I also never ever want to return to a life in which I did not experience His love and He was there waiting to give it to me, I was just too busy with my obsession to have a earthly husband.

  9. Thank you for sharing Dear Janine.
    I great to hear that. The Lord truly desires be everything to us. We truly need to focus on Him and what is His disires and plans to our life’s.
    ‭Matthew 25:23 NIV‬
    [23] β€œHis master replied, β€˜Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

    1. Yes precious Naomi, we just have to put all our focus on Him.
      Thank you for sharing this beautiful promise.

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