I am sitting here with so much gratitude in my heart all because of what my Darling did. Both my children are now here with me and I was thinking back about a time that I didn't feel there was any hope, but there is hope when our trust is in the Lord.
On 19 April 2017 I cried out to the Lord because of not seeing my son and because of my own mistakes, that I just have to admit (and I know the precise date because I had written it in my Bible when the Lord gave me the verse).
This is what the LORD says: β€œA voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” This is what the LORD says: β€œRestrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded,” declares the LORD. β€œThey will return from the land of the enemy. So there is hope for your descendants,” declares the LORD. β€œYour children will return to their own land.
Never ever stop trusting the Lord!

15 thoughts on “THE LORD RESTORES”

  1. Beautiful, Janine. I’m so happy the Lord has restored your and your sons relationship. Thank you for being so open about your past weaknesses and how it was Him that changed you. It’s even better that your son can see how it was the Lord that transformed you.

    1. Congratulations Hope! Thank You for being one of our MTA “Ministry Team Apprentices,” which you’ll see we added to your profile name that will show up the next time you post praise. We would LOVE for you to speak to your Husband about formally becoming an Intern since we are fairly confident you’ve already taken some or many of our courses. If you haven’t enrolled, here’s the

      1. Thank you, Erin. I have taken many of the courses and I will go to Him and see what Field of Study He may want me to take. πŸŽ“

  2. Ag Janine you are so brave and full of humility to share about what happened. I had no idea that your eldest son lived with his dad for so long… Which makes your testimony of healing in your relationship even more amazing. πŸ™Œ
    And Janine how beautiful a picture you painted in words of your son coming home in the rain straight into your arms for a hug. Im so happy that you found soooo much healing in soooo many areas if your life and that you found your Abundant life and living it Abundantly πŸ™Œ πŸ€—

    1. It is all Him sweet Atarah. I never talked much about it, because I made so many mistakes and was so shy about it, but yes the Lord brings healing and restoration.

  3. Dearest Janine I stop a third of the way through to comment how what you said, what you pinpointed needs to be listened to by every heartbroken mom when she fills out her Marriage Evaluation. Just transferring her focus from HER pain to her CHILD or CHILDREN will immediately begin her Ministry and serve to drive her into her Husband’s arms sooner to find the Father they need. It’s the 3C Ministry of HOPE πŸ’” LOVE πŸ’— HGMπŸͺ΄

  4. Oh, my dearest Janine, I was blessed to be able to have a front seat to all of this and see how He brought healing and restoration for you and your son. Looking back, I could have never ever imagined that you would be here today sharing this testimony. Thank you for encouraging so many women around the world, through your pain and also some of your mistakes, but look how He turned it all around for good. My eyes are filled with tears this morning as I listened.

    1. Aaaahhh dear Yvonne, I am so grateful that the Lord answered my prayer when I prayed for a friend that will understand and the Lord let us become friend.
      Do you remember when I went running busy crying to your office and the Lord said to me: I wish you will run that way to Me, ouch yes. I love Him so much.

  5. πŸ₯Ή my goodness how beautiful to hear about your restoration with your older son. We must get Isabella to help create chapters so we can use this for HGM and also RYRβ€” along with EV for brand new HOPE πŸ’” women. Bless you sweet Janine !!

    1. Thank you dear Erin, it is all Him. He is so Wonderful, it’s all because of Him. I am forever grateful that the Lord led me to RMI.

  6. This is the second time I listen to this Podcast and It just gets better!! My sweet Janine, you are so brave to share the real journey with your children!! We need to be honest with our Beloved to be able to encourage others!! Praise the Lord that He heals everything and restores our broken hearts and our children as well!! I will share this on HGM as well!!

    1. Thank you so much sweet Isabella. I always felt so shy about my past because I made many many mistakes, but it is al our wonderful Lord’s work to change it around.

  7. Beautiful Janine, from the moment you told me you carried your son on your hips with the shoes you had on I felt the regret in your voice for your mistakes but also the love you have for your first born. When you become a mother you want to do the best you can. I can imagine how painful it must have been when your son lived with his father. Also spent several years without my daughter, first child. In fear that I would never get her back. And that’s why I’m so happy to hear that God has brought your son back to you. My daughter is back too. Indeed, we did not contribute anything to this. It’s all because of His love for us. And for your son to now see how great a mother you are is a double blessing.

    1. I am so greatful dear Kristine that the Lord has brought your daugther back, yes all because of what He did.

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