There Has to Be More to Life Than This

Brides, if you are like me and have tried everything on your own to control the outcome in the situations — and as a result lost it all, then it is time to dig deep in yourself, not in self-condemnation but in truly understanding that there is more to life. We are not supposed to just allow life to run us or happen to us, we are supposed to come to the One that can do cause our life to be abundant. The One that can give us unspeakable joy.

Many go through life never knowing this or they think about it but never do anything to change it. We have to die to our self so that we can find the true meaning of our lives and what we have to do on our part to obtain this abundant life that He has called and promised to us in Chapter 1 “What Is the Abundant Life?“.

I need to get quiet before the Lord. I need to give Him time to speak to me. Not just me talking for long periods of time. I need to talk less and listen more. He has an Abundant Life for me and it is waiting for me to obtain it. I just need to come and receive it.

The home that our family was living in was sold out from under us. The home I have only known and my children were forced to leave. From having to move, we have been living in our trailer, that we used for our family camping trips. Also, during this time our finances have been attacked. My faith has been attacked and it just seemed like I was in constant war, a spiritual war.

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29

Though the journey has been hard and it seemed like blow after blow, I have grown closer to the Lord. However, not until I came across this ministry a few weeks ago (July 2019), has my journey shifted.

I know that full responsibility for the destruction of my home for it was not built on the Solid Rock of Jesus. I have said for years, there has to be more to life in this and yet I did not know how or where to find it. I was just floating along in a sense. After coming to this ministry and letting the Lord speak to me, I have found the things that I have been believing and searching in my mind. I kept thinking Lord, my life is not even close to reflecting the abundant God that You are! This has got to change and I know Lord it is not too hard for You. My life can change and be a reflection of the kind of abundant God You are.

The Lord knows my struggles. He knows what I worry about or what I fear. I do not need to hide from Him. I need to be honest with Him and tell Him my heart. He wants that. He knows everything I am facing. He wants to take it from me and give me the ease of His yoke and give me joy that is unspeakable despite the trial and tribulation.

“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls” 1 Peter 1:7-9, KJV

Father God, You are all I want, You are all I need and that if I have You I have everything I need. Father, I want You to be my everything. I want You to be my companion. I want to be the woman, wife, mother, daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunt, and friend You called me to be. I have been far from this. Lord, I need You to change me. I want to have the Abundant Life  You have promised me. I want to have the life You created for me to have, one that flows in Your abundance, unspeakable joy, and peace beyond all understanding.

Pray with me: Lord I have done all my life unto this point on my own and I have made a mess of all of it. I thought I was doing a great job until I lost everything and realized I could not hold it together by my might. Lord, I want You at the center of everything in my life. I want everything to be built on the Solid Rock of Jesus, if it is not, then I do not need it in my life. Lord whatever You have planned for my husband, my marriage, our home, our children, our finances and my purpose I surrender the outcome and everything that goes with it to You because YOU are all that I need if I have YOU I have everything. I welcome myself to my new Abundant Life in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Dear Brides, just as Michelle said, if we want Him and need Him, we have everything we need. In this world, as we have been raised and taught that material things, money or people are what we need to be considered successful in life. We are judged and measured by the items we obtain, everything externally versus what we have internally. To truly love our Lord and becoming intimate with Him we have everything we need to be successful in this life. The Lord has an Abundant Life for us, we just have to come before Him, get personal with Him and let Him take our hand and lead us to the promised land. He has something so amazing to give us in abundance if we will just lay ourselves down and leave the worldly desires behind. Jesus take the wheel. Take us to the promised land that overflows with milk and honey.

In the last several years of my life, I have thought there has to be more to life than this. This cannot be how it is supposed to be. But as quickly as the thought came, I did nothing in regards to finding out the truth to that thought or statement. Over the few years of my life, my world was turned upside down and all hell broke loose. Everything I had was stripped from my life. The comfortable life I was living was suddenly gone and vanished. I did not know where to go but I knew I needed to call on God. I did and I have come a long way from the day I started that weary day my life was turned upside down.

After pleading and crying out to God like this, I would love to say that everything got better, well it didn’t it got worse but I continued to cry out. I wanted what He wanted to show me and make it across that land to walk in his abundance, well He sent me to this ministry. And it is an answered prayer. Be committed dive into the courses and let God show You the abundance He has for you, specifically for you, no one else can have what He has for you!

~ Olivia in California
I’m a tithing partner. Learn more.

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