They Found Me 🀣

"Give thanksΒ to theΒ Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever." P136:1

Our schedule worked out in a way that my children were with their dad for almost 3 weeks in December. A long time, but I am used to periods like that in the holidays. The difference here was, that now my children had a phone with them and they were able to contact me and they hardly even said hi. 😒

When they came back we had only a day and a half to catch up and get ready for a weekend away, we were attending a wedding, 5 hours drive from our home in the middle of nowhere, without any signal. What a blessing!!! We were in my brother and his wife's company the whole time so there was also no time to really just sit and enjoy each other's company.

The Saturday morning, my sister, it was her daughter getting married, asked me to babysit her little granddaughter. She was sleeping and my only job was to sit on the porch and wait for her to wake up. My sister asked if I would be okay alone, and I said, of course, I enjoy it, but I am sure the children would come looking for me (I was not sure given that we hardly had a chance to really connect after they returned from their dad).

I was sitting there on the porch just enjoying spending time with Him, looking at the beautiful mountains He created and the weeping willow tree planting its roots in a small watering hole looking forward to the summer rain when first my son came looking for me. He had snacks with him, so he came to sit next to me with his snacks and we chatted a bit, just a few minutes later my daughter came looking for me and she sat with us. We were able to catch up on all we had missed.

My sister came to look in on me and she saw the children sitting there and she looked at me with a smile on her face that said more than words could ever say. They found me!

I want to thank my dearest Friend and Husband for just showing me, that it does not matter if the children do not stay in contact with me all the time, when it is the right time, they will always find me.

Dear bride, if you have anything that is separating you from your children at the moment, please read our Partner Promise for 2025, what a beautiful promise!

If you have custody issues, read My Custody Loss by Adina and be encouraged.

15 thoughts on “They Found Me 🀣”

  1. Dear Yvonne, I can relate, even if my children have phones, they hardly send me any messages when they are not with me, only when they need something form me :):). But my Beloved gave me peace regarding this, and I let it go. My Beloved turned my Custody Loss around and I see my kids almost every day, so during the times they are not with me, I have peace if they do not contact me. They are currently on holiday with their dad, I know they will probably not get in touch with me, but it is okay, I know when they get back, we will be able to reconnect and spend time together.

    1. 😍 So true Adina, your life is such a huge testimony of His goodness

  2. Dear Yvonne, thank you for sharing this encouragement. I was so blessed at the end of last year to have the children with me more than in previous years. When they went to their father, I also had peace in my heart when I did not hear anything, despite them all having a mobile phone. The days of absence from my children went by so quickly that now that they are back I cannot remember how I felt when they were not there. My Heavenly Beloved has truly healed me from the fear and rejection of being left alone. But also to enjoy the moments that they are there. Last night I had dinner at the table with three of my children.

    1. πŸ₯³πŸ’– Enjoy the moments, I agree dear Kristine, they are so precious.

  3. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise precious Yvonne, this was so encouraging.
    Now that my son has moved out and getting married over a year, it did come in my mind if he is really going to keep contact with his mum, but your post encouraged me today and I know I will always be his mum although he is going to have his own family now. I love the Partner Promise for 2025, that same promise is a promise my Darling Lord gave me years ago when my son chose to stay with his dad and our Darling Lord is faithful to all His promises because my son came back.

    1. πŸ’– He will always find you my dear Janine. My sister’s two eldest sons moved out of the house in the same year, but everytime I visit my sister, the children are there πŸ™‚ I know it will be the same for you.

  4. What a beautiful thing! Thank you for sharing this with us. I am encouraged because my son’s sometimes do not call or text me and I don’t see them that often, but this gives me hope that they will come and find me and in the mean time, I can simply enjoy being with Him.

    1. 😍 I am glad that you are encouraged dear Rasa, I enjoy the time with my children so much. When I just started this journey, I learned from Janine that I need to make the best of every moment that I was alone and not waste the time. So now when I am with my children, I enjoy them and when I am not with them, I enjoy the time alone.

  5. Dear Yvonne, your testimony touches my heart. The past 2 weeks I was home with my second daughter. My daughter didn’t talk much to me and when I wanted to say something I got short answers, that made me insecure, the other two children who were away didn’t send a message of their own accord. Lately I find it difficult because the children withdraw more and like to stay in their room. I know that this period is also good for me, because the only solution is to be closer to Him and enjoy Him.

    Today I played a nice game with my two daughters. I am so grateful for that, because earlier that day my heart hurt so much because she hardly responded when I said something to them.

    1. I am glad to hear this encouraged you Hanna, cherishing the times we have together is so important. How wonderful you had time to spend with your daughters. πŸ’–

  6. Thank you, dear Yvonne, for your share. I remember when my son went to live with his father. At that time, he would simply call me to ask for money πŸ™„. But when he came back to live with me, we became closer. Plus, he gave me a beautiful dress for Christmas. I am always surprised when I give our dear one the place that belongs to him.

    1. So true Kateleen. Our children are such a blessing to us, but we should never forget, that He should be all we need and want and live for.

  7. Dear Yvonne, the 2025 Promise is so beautiful, because He promises to take our children and take care of them.
    Also, especially my oldest son, he is more distant, but I know that sometimes I am very intense, and that I must let go, and as you mention, Our Beloved will make them seek us and come closer.

    1. Yes, my dear Liza, He is the one that takes care of our children and I am agreeing with you that your oldest son will come find you too 😘

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