This  great cloud of witnesses

Hi ladies, this week I would rather share a personal testimony than tell you about the highlights in the Portuguese Blog, as He kept me thinking of how we are all together in this kind of web and this  great cloud of witnesses,as we share our hearts and testimonies in our different blogs! 🌎

Once again this week I was talking to my Heavenly Husband about how dismayed I feel about trying to encourage my sister, but kept feeling through a failure! During this conversation with my Beloved I confessed how tired, sad and sometimes I felt no way to encourage my poor sister to find the hope and life she needed soo badly!! After going through 2 divorces, she is not living but only existing…

Couple days after this conversation, my Husband gave me the opportunity to talk to my sister and instead of the dismayed thoughts I had, I felt so happy for this new opportunity, I kwew it was Him!

While talking I knew I had my great cloud of witnesses with me and He led me to talk about Adina’s testimony,  –  I took advantage of  it by sharing Adina’s podcast series about forgiveness! My Beloved kept talking to me about how He taught me not to preachy, but to trust in how HE is able to turn hearts to Himself!

While arriving at home, I was reading the comments in the PTG Blog and I found one from Adina in one of our posts – I confess it surprised me! But it was exactly the way –  the new way we are living now: sharing  testimonies, podcasts, praises, comments – ministering in our different blogs!

Adina commented in the PTG blog and shared her brother’s salvation story podcast! It was what I needed to listen to after what I went through, I know it was Him telling me to not be dismayed, but to keep on waiting and trusting in Him!

Thank you so much ladies, thank you so much, my dear Adina for being such an encouraging women🙌, as we share the materials among our blogs – for example, Adina’s forgiveness series is shared in the Portuguese and also in the Polish Blog, as the PTG Team decided to work as missionaries and share all these preciousness 💎💗

Perdão – Episódio 1

Przebaczenie – Część 1

3 thoughts on “This  great cloud of witnesses”

  1. Thank you Paula for opening your heart and sharing your story… We really are on that cord, where we can share encouragement wherever He allows us.
    And this account from him and Adina’s PodCast is really encouraging, and we know that He is in control of these situations as well, and the power to turn hearts belongs to Him, so let’s keep believing that the salvation of all that we’ve been waiting for will happen.🌹❤️

  2. Oh Paula I agree with Marta I suspect we ALL have someone we LOVE dearly who we long to minister to knowing WHO we have to offer them is beyond life changing —He’s eternity changing!! 💗💗💗 With my sister we’ve hit a plateau and leveled off so she’s not open and as desperate. So like you I of course spoke to my Husband because (I need to remind myself) wants her to become His bride even more than I want it for her.
    It’s not what He said as much as a feeling of trust and contentment and embracing that just for now I listen to mundane and even questions and difficulties without saying a word—knowing Who brought her this far HIM and who did not ME. It’s not me or you who leads or brings anyone to the One and ONLY. We just get to sit in the front row and cheer, celebrate 🥳 falling more in love 🥰 with Him at every turn and valley.
    How precious you and your sister are to each one of us Paula 🤗🤗🤗

  3. Love the way the Lord is leading your team to share this amazing message!!! Yupi for what He is doing in our families lives through the Podcasts!!! I must confess that listening to someone speaking and sharing parts of their lives really touches us in a different manner!!!

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