This Must be what a WISER Woman Looks Like!

Somewhere in our resources, I share how I was convicted of lying, something my EH had told me infuriated him. They were mostly “enriched” narratives from how I got attention from being in a large family and using humor or simply forgetting the “true” details. Nevertheless, I knew GOD hated liars, so when my first test, which I did pass but certainly as a far LESS than wise woman, I had to call a friend who was offended because, in a roundabout way, I also implicated her in my confession.

Now 33 years later, I realized after stepping back, shaking off “guilt,” and transitioning to “conviction,” my Husband guided me to leave a voice note after I’d been doing something that we have asked everyone to do, so by not doing it, I became a pharisee. Gosh, just seeing how one “indiscretion” or lapse in not stopping something once it got started is startling. Yikes!!!

What my VN said was asking her to please help ME, how I struggled with shaking of guilt that is NOT God’s way and certainly has no place in a Bride’s life. The offense (if I use this in the broadest sense of the world) was initiated, without a doubt, innocently by my dear friend. Nevertheless, I left feeling so much better.

My first step was speaking to my Husband, who said, “You know I want to use this for good, don’t you?” Sure enough, here it is. Having an opportunity to confess my faults and boast about my weaknesses and without, I hope, hurting anyone else’s feelings (though she may struggle with false guilt.

Here are a few LL that can minister to you if you struggle with the same things, even if you don’t, they’re a good read since so many women do who could use your wisdom by offering these to someone you know and love.

wLL 13 β€œFalse Guilt and Forgivenessβ€Β β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

wLL 26 β€œRevelation Regarding Lies”

wLL 27 β€œFallacious Guilt”

5 thoughts on “This Must be what a WISER Woman Looks Like!”

  1. Let me be the first comment because my Husband just showed me my transgression as wLL 13 β€œFalse Guilt” THANK YOU, DARLING!!!!!!!
    My dear friend asked me how to remedy what we had been engaging in: texting privately rather than openly to let our light shine…
    β€œNo one lights a lamp πŸͺ” and then hides it or puts it under a basket 🧺. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house, those who come may see the light.” L1133
    Because it’s a SURPRISE!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ A Special Mother’s Day video that will post RIGHT HERE on Sunday, May 14, 2023
    So where she was led to share this was PERFECTLY correct!! We couldn’t even do it in a group without ruining the surprise.
    Can you see how easily either one of us could be carrying “false” guilt if we didn’t have Him as our HUSBAND?
    Can you see how beautifully He uses things for GOOD when we go to Him first? No, not falling at His feet but embracing Him and asking Him with love in my 😍 eyes.
    I hope you are both excited (because the video isn’t even the Mother’s Day Gift) and also free from false guilt or how easy He made it for us to prosper as imperfect as we are!!

  2. Thank you for your testimony Erin, I am one of those who often feels guilty about almost everything, fortunately my Husband reminds me over and over again of these lessons that comfort me and help me get closer to Him instead of moving away.

  3. Thank you Erin, for sharing this praise, I can’t explain how great these lessons were for me, at the beginning of my journey I walked it with so much fear that I was easily fooled with false guilt. These lessons are wonderful, they are a great gift from our Beloved

  4. I enjoyed reading this testimony and I feel related as well with carrying a false guilt for something and feeling guilty for everything. By reading those wLL He showed me a way to find peace and to understand that He has everything under control and as you said he used everything for our good not matter if we have messed up. He wants us to run to him, to talk to him about what we feel and do and then He comes back to us with a lot of love to comfort our heart. Not easy to do it all the time, but we have his grace to start over again.

  5. I’m so glad you shared your heart on this subject. I agree that there’s been so many times l have felt guilty about soooo many things and if l didn’t know what l do now, l wouldn’t have the peace and assurance of knowing l have a wonderful Husband to run to with those feelings! I read many of these lessons a lot and they helped me so much!!

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