Tornado – An Opportunity for them to trust Him πŸŒͺ

"He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed." Ps107:29

Yesterday while I was at work and my two youngest were at school (one in high school and the other in elementary school), we received an alert of a tornado. The schools took shelter and here at work we had to get patients into a room away from windows etc. My highschooler called me while all this was happening and was a little scared as the power kept going off and on for a few hours, high winds, and it was just so chaotic for him. He didn't want me to get off the phone.

My praise is that even though he was nervous, he still said, "Let's hope and pray that God protects us from this." and it gave us an opportunity to pray together. Later on, I picked up my youngest early from school because they had no power. He said to me "I was praying that the Lord keep all of my family safe (naming all of us, his cousins, and family). He also said his best friend was so scared and he prayed for him too. So, the Lord was protecting us from the literal storm. πŸ™ but still using it for good for my children to go to Him in prayer.

There was major damage in the area and also to my nephews' school but thanks to Him they were on Spring Break this week! πŸ’•
and I am praising my Beloved for using this as an opportunity for my children to go to Him.

7 thoughts on “Tornado – An Opportunity for them to trust Him πŸŒͺ”

  1. Wow How incredible!!!! To see your children turning to their Heavenly Father in a serious situation like that! 3 John 1:4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

    1. Yes Rasa, thank you for that verse. My desire is to continue to witness my children’s spiritual growth and my oldest to be saved. ❀️

    1. Yes, I did not like being away from them during this storm, but I’m glad they turned to their Heavenly Father for protection.

  2. Oh wow Hope thank you for coming to share this praise ❀️ I just know as a mom that it blesses your heart knowing that your children know exactly who to trust and turn to in times of distress and trouble. I am so glad that HE protected you, your family, your kids and their schools πŸ™ŒπŸ₯°

    I thinking of FAL “Your Best Protection” but l see Adina already shared it.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Atarah.❀️ It really is a blessing to know that they were able to turn to Him for comfort and strength.

  3. Praise Him always for this. We live in a broken world and bad things will happen, but seeing our kids going to their Heavenly Father for protection is the best feeling in the world. That shows that our motherhood journey is in the right path. Blessings my dear for sharing and Praise Him that you were all safe ❀️

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