Trusting The Lord With Our Finances

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." P4:19

It is unbelievable how our Darling Lord keeps on coming through for us. This month the money I had in my account was at first, when I made the sums, not at all enough. And to put the cherry on the cake my car started giving trouble (I would drive and then suddenly it would just cut out).

Well like always our Darling Lord came through for me. The cash that I had didn't finish (yes I know that can only be our Darling Lord). Somebody that I work with at my outside job took me to somebody that fixed my car for R150,00 ($8,2 - yes I know that too is unbelievable) and then this week my tax money paid out (usually it takes more than 2 months, but this time it took about two days to pay out, I know that is for sure our Darling Lord).

Precious bride I really want to encourage you to trust our Darling Lord with your finances and yes it starts with tithing. I can't explain to you how scared I was to tithe, it really was a step in faith and now I can really testify that our Darling Lord's provision is indescribable. For years and years I have been struggling with my finances, so much that I couldn't ever see hope out of it, but little did I know that our Darling Lord was my Hope in my Finances and only Him.

Dear precious bride if you are doubting, wondering how you are going to do it, I really want to encourage you to put ALL YOUR TRUST IN OUR DARLING Lord, take that step in faith and trust our Darling Lord with your finances and see how He opens the Windows of Heavan for you, I can really testify He leaves me every time with a WOW! And if you don't want to take my word for it, please ask our Darling Lord what you should do regarding your finances, that is what I did.

8 thoughts on “Trusting The Lord With Our Finances”

    1. Thanks for making this bridge! YES definitely a wonderful testimony that adds to what you share with us today! Wow my Beloved is impressive!!!

  1. Janine dear, thank you for sharing your praise. How happy I was to hear about this great achievement in your life. I remembered that before I was a faithful tithe payer, when my phone rang, I answered with tears in my eyes, because I had a mountain of debt, but thanks to His immense love for me and my family, my name was crossed out of the debtors list, because He honored our faith in Him.
    I confess that finances always left me disoriented and many times I tried to solve everything with my own arm and that’s when I discovered Who has the Strong Arm that not only defends me, but also hugs me and protects me from all evil (including ruin). financial!).
    He is more than capable of freeing us from everything, everything!!! Even from financial ruin as we surrender to Him:

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Marta, wow I love it when our Darling Lord takes over and He never ever disappoints.

  2. I like reading these types of testimonies, it is such a nice way to see our Husband, providing and caring for our needs, thank you dear Janine, for sharing how your Beloved is meeting your needs and encouraging us to honor HIM in the financial area as well. .

    1. Thank you precious Anastasia, our Darling Lord is just the Best Ever Provider.

  3. Janine, hermoso testimonio, junto con el de Mila. Diezmar ha sido una bendicion, y se que Nuestro Amado abrira las Ventanas del Cielo. El es quien nos provee, porque como Nuestro Esposo, nos ama, y ha prometido, reprender al devorador. Gracias por estos testimonios que me dan esperanza, que alimentan mi alma.
    Alabado sea el SeΓ±ory toda Gloria sea para EL.
    Janine, beautiful testimony, along with Mila’s. Tithing has been a blessing, and I know that Our Beloved will open the Windows of Heaven. He is the one who provides for us, because as Our Husband, He loves us, and has promised to rebuke the devourer. Thank you for these testimonies that give me hope, that feed my soul.
    Praise the Lord and

    1. Precious Liza tithing has also been a blessing to me, it is so freeing to give your finances over to our Darling Lord and He really does open the windows of heaven for us.

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