Verbal Vomit

After reading Restore Your Relationships chapter 16 Verbal Vomit, I am reminded of a time that I had an episode and I verbally vomited all over Erin and other Brides.

I felt it was time for me to move on and give up this ministry. My marriage was not going to be restored, so I felt that I didn't belong here. Most of all I was really hurt because I felt that I had been "lied to" by Erin and this ministry. My heart was broken but I acted out in anger and frustration.

I wrote an email, my "exit email". Stating that I was leaving the ministry, I'd been "lied to" and I was upset about a specific something that Erin stated that I felt was not true. Something I was to look forward to that never happened. Now, looking back, I believe I was looking for and waiting for what I assumed it would be and I missed the real blessing. I believed I was "lied to" and was living so stupidly believing I'd have a restored marriage. I felt like such a fool, so it was time I moved on and I didn't belong here. How ridiculous I was!

Now, I know I belong here. And I have definitely been restored, to my True Love, my First Love, my Perfect Husband. Im living the abundant life all because of Erin and this ministry she started helped me find my True Love. My passion for encouraging other women to become His bride and find Him as their Husband also grows in my heart.

So I confess this now and I ask for forgiveness from Erin and the other Brides who had to read my ridiculous email full of the verbal vomit of emotions as I was weeping uncontrollably as I wrote it. I thank you for encouraging me and showing me love and compassion the way my Husband does, even when I'm being unlovable.

7 thoughts on “Verbal Vomit”

  1. Thank you so much, Ruby. You have just confirmed to me that I need to finish my restoration journey novel. For women like you and me, who came here for marriage restoration but found much more than we could ever have hoped and dream for. I want to make sure I have a new chapter every week.
    For those of you that wants to tel your story, please do so.
    Add it to the NRPH blog and we will publish it. Once you have 3 chapters, we will ask one of our RADD designers to help you with a cover.

  2. Thank you for sharing this open heart post precious Ruby.
    I remember just before I joined RMI, I had asked the Lord is this all to life, but He showed me after joining RMI there is so much to life with Him. He is the Potter I am the clay and wow I love everyday with Him and I just love Him so very much.
    “We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” I64:8

  3. Hi Ruby,
    there are so many brides like you. Here in the materials, much information, are said from high level of spiritual maturity and heart without any stone-from Erin. As we are on different levels and with different β€œstony and broken hearts” sometimes we cannot understand that or we do not recognize that this advice is not for our life at this period and we should just continue reading. (Because we are so many and so unique-it is impossible that Erin covers situations all of us in all the countries all around the world-specially homeschooling) So, when we come to this point, info we get even angry. And thanks God I controlled my emotions, but many brides not and they leave. And this is so pity, because this is typical gun of the enemy, to stop us reading, right before the captures which could bring us the abundant life. And we make our heart stony towards this ministry, we judge and we start to doubt about everything we have learnt and in worst case we stop doing the right things we learnt here, because we fell deceived and we think that all here is lie. And soon we are in the same mess like we came here. πŸ™‚
    SO, dear ladies, if you came here in to the point, you cannot agree with something, pray to Him for wisdom about that. And if you still do not understand, just skip it and continue reading, later on as you grow on your journey you will understand that or you recognize if that β€œweird” info or even something that hurts you was advice for individuals in the same situation or the spiritual principle.

  4. Ruby just like Yvonne, I also need to finish my RJN ( If we stay on this journey regardless of what happens and open our hearts completely to our First Love, He has something amazing in store for us, something we cannot imagine or comprehend; the Abundant Life He died to give us and Everlasting love that overflows and fills every void in our hearts! And we ARE restored, restored to the Best of the Best, our First and only True love!

    “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith” 2 Timothy 4:7

    “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ.” Philippians 1:6

    “For whoever wants to save their life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” Matthew 16:25

  5. Thank you for sharing your story. It can take faith in Him to admit when we’ve been wrong. I’m so glad that you’ve been able to move on from that place of hurt and anger, and that you’re now living the abundant life that God has for you.

  6. Dear Ruby, I want to thank you for your open and honest confession. Many of us came to the Ministry, saw the title of the book Erin wrote “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” and had a hopeful heart that it would happen soon for them. I was one of those brides too. Even though I knew deep down that I wasn’t ready for recovery with my former husband. Fortunately, the Lord did not answer my prayers because now I am truly understanding how much my Heavenly Husband loves me. Always wants and will be there for me
    Yes, our dear Lord wants nothing more than for our marriages to be restored. For He hates separation. But what He wants even more is for us to be truly happy, the desires we have to give those to us, starting with the abundant life He died for. This life is wonderful. I am therefore very happy to read that you have found it.
    And just as the bride Anissa says, I would like to join her encouragement to pray when you have read something in our resources. The first thing Erin teaches us is to seek Him for the answers to the questions you have. And He will tell you

    Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.,Share,-Read%20Jeremiah%2033

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