Wednesday: Devotional, Promise, Ps&Prov, W@H

Good morning! We have a delicious Spiritual breakfast ☕ 🥐waiting for you! Be sure to begin your morning by having coffee ☕ with your Husband, your Maker. Then join us for breakfast every morning!!

♕ Today's Promise: “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” J1633

Be sure to grab your afternoon and evening 🍽️ meal! We will be serving you Encouraging Praise from an Encouraging Woman—many from our Ministry Team Members. PLUS a FULL meal 🍱 with a selected lesson from one of our many courses! We also hope to provide you with a teacher with a wonderful YouTube video to make it all the more special—so special, we hope you'll invite your family and friends to join you!!


Chapter 6 Making the Most of Schedule "Number Your Days"

🍲 Your Spiritual Lunch 🥪 🥗
taken from
Workers@Home—Making the Most of Your Time!
paperback and/or eBook

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