Welcome back!!

Welcome back honeymoon brides. My Husband led me to open RMI email accounts for everyone I saw had been ministering by commenting on the blogs. Monday.com will be opened by Mondayโ€”if not sooner.

Let's be sure to remain in HONEYMOON Mentalityโ€”unlike Poverty Mentality, it means we realize we have EVERYTHING in Him, and staying in this frame of mind and heart will keep us ministering 90% of our time and 10% necessary administrative rather than it being flipped like it used to be!

We need to see just as much, if not more, heartfelt SHORT posted praise and commentsโ€”just speaking to each other as friends!!!

37 thoughts on “Welcome back!!”

  1. I am very happy to be back, and continue sharing and helping others with our experiences and testimonies, He is continuing to change me , it’s not easy I have days that i feel like giving up but then He reminds me right there that He is with me and that it is only a trial to make me stonger in Him. I feel He is taking me out of my comfort zone , i have been becoming very comfortable in my situation I know He is shaking me up.

    1. It’s not a bad thing to “give up” and give it to Him. Make HIM what you want, need, and live for, not even ministering with us (though we love you dearly, you know that). That’s when ministering becomes an extension of your relationship with Him, He is then ministering through you, and it’s a truly incredible experience. Welcome back, Jewel.

  2. This is indeed beautiful to read….I too have taken a pause after the Retreat… Because it’s so easy to shift the focus and forget HH made it all possible….. I have been seeking HH how best do I share all the beautiful praises from the Ladies…. I like the concept of 90% more ministering and 10% Admin….. I too have been ask HH what is the way forward with possible future Retreats because it is indeed way to introduce Women to RMI that being said we the Cape Town RMI Team will be meeting on Tuesday 14 February to have our Review on the Retreat and more importantly meet in prayer of Thanksgiving for the women that is coming in to RMI because of the Retreat….

    Exciting Times Ahead but all lead by our HH….

    Thanks Keziah from Cape Town in South Africa

  3. I really needed this time. I was so caught up in working for Him that I thought I was getting into a closer relationship with Him. But was not really. Instead of enjoying and spending time with Him. That brings me closer. I just couldn’t get it done myself. I’m glad that cycle has been broken. And wish not to come back. My time here is precious and I want to spend it with Him. In Fellowship with other like minded brides.

    1. Dearest Kristine. Exactly!! ๐Ÿฅณ Your concern about returning is the concerned about Yvonne and I have had and at length discussed with our Husband. I believe that most of us share the same concern because itโ€™s such a slippery slope to get back into โ€œworkingโ€ versus โ€œhoneymooningโ€ and the question is, can we merge them into one?
      The greatest temptation, and the slippery us of the slopes is monday.com. I was sure that when I woke up, everyone would be back but discovered that Yvonne had such a concern that she wondered about opening it up at all.
      My hesitancy of not opening up monday.com is locking everyone out of their offices would be offensive and hurtful โ€“ โ€“ especially if they do not fully share your feelings. If I am understanding you correctly, you actually do not want to come back. But if you could continue the way that you have been, and everyone could continue with their focus, almost entirely on ministering, then weโ€™d be in the best position possible.
      Your ministry, in particular, Kristine , is the perfect example of what we want everyone to understand. You have built and built and built and built a.k.a. Translated Translated Translated. Itโ€™s like the building is been built and the shelves are full of resources so thereโ€™s no more need, not for a long time, to do anymore building/administrative work. Instead, it is ministering on your website blog just as youโ€™ve been doing here on the variety of English website blogs. Itโ€™s not about just offering lessons and courses etc. but in the interaction โ€“ โ€“ the ministry and that was lacking.
      My husband led me to your website and I saw that you had posted the devotionals and promise, etc. That we have let go of here and on the other websites.
      What I was excited to see, is your COMMENT because it was beautiful, and Drew me in to have to interact with what you said!
      Whatโ€™s funny is that I โ€œshould beโ€ focusing on the administering because everyone is returning today, and there are still many things that have yet to be resolved and agreed-upon. But just like weโ€™re hoping everyone else will do and what we want to Encourage everyone to do, is put MINISTERING first.

      1. Thank you, Erin, this was exactly my thoughts and concerns. Of course, I don’t want to have our brides return from honeymoon and not find the keys to their home ๐Ÿ™‚ He will show us a way forward on this and I know it will be perfect, light and easy.

      2. Hello Erin and Yvonne, You are absolutely right. At the end of last year I was almost at my breaking point again. two in one year that is a sign. Fortunately, the work we did for the various ministries was stopped immediately. At first I was worried but after a few days I realized that my Beloved was making the way so that I could start my days right with the Devotions and then a lesson or reading the praise reports. I regained joy in my ministry.

        In the past period, during our wedding weeks, I have gone through trials but also discovered things that I still need healing for. And that is only possible if I spend my time with Him. And not just spend by working for Him. I’ve been building, and building, and building nonstop for the past 3 years. Only to have the lessons and books ready before the Dutch ladies arrive. However, this can also be done differently. I don’t know how yet.

        Before reading the “Welcome Back” message, my Beloved inspired me to start the devotion, post a comment, and see what I can post best during the day. On the website or in the Blog. Just let Him Lead Me “God Directs”.

        Getting tired quickly is a sign that you are not doing something right. The load must be light.
        I am alone in the Dutch ministry but that should not be a challenge. With Him who carries it and does it, it will succeed.

        There are more things I can and must do for the DUT ministry. But what is also important is the relationship improvement between Him and me.You understand me well that I will not want to stop building my ministry. But I’m not going back to translating one lesson after another or pages of a book. To then have someone else add it to the DUT website. And only perform my ministry during the meetings we had on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday.

        Just as my Beloved regularly retreated from the crowd to pray and be alone. Did I learn that He did this to be recharged by the Father. The inexhaustible source of everything we need to continue doing what He came to earth for.

        This has turned out to be a bit longer commentary than I planned. But I hope you understand me. I will wait to see how He will guide us how to proceed. Like Yvonne and Atarah, I am excited and in anticipation.

  4. Erin, I am on day 6 of the free courses and just watched the โ€œbe encouragedโ€ video. I find this a safe place to share and would love your advice. What if EH rejects intimacy but I feel the need? I know God will meet all needs through the riches of his glory in Jesus Christ and I have prayed about it. In the moment what should I do? Ask the Lord to take away the desire?

    1. Hallo my dear, while you are asking Him for an answer, because only He has all the answers, we will be doing so with you.
      In the meantime, I would ask that you go to our website https://hopeatlast.com. We have a blog there as well: https://hopeatlast.com/blog/ and our dearest Atarah is the minister there.
      She is also known as our marriage minister/coach. Please go there and once you have spoken to your Heavenly Husband and He has answered you, post it in a form of a praise (https://hopeatlast.com/pr/) so the brides coming in can see what He has shown you. Atarah will read your praise and will be able to comment and minister to you.

      1. Thanks so much Yvonne for your comment l completely agree. Linda l would love you to come share this comment as a praise on Hope At Last blog after you have SG seek God. You can register for Hope At Last just like you registered for Encouragingwomen. Looking forward to seeing you there!

  5. Welcome back ladies, I hope you all enjoyed your Honeymoon with Him! I am very excited for this new chapter He is taking us on. โค๏ธ

  6. So true… (Erins comment to Kristine) I’m happy to be back but I’m also not sure about getting back onto Monday.com and all the admin which l must fully admit definitely takes me away from doing what l love. But like Yvonne said I’m also excited for this New chapter and l know He will work it all out ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Welcome back ladies, I am glad that you shared your desire to continue a honeymoon with Him, and Yvonne and Erin I also agree about monday.com. It is beautiful to see the encouragement coming out from all the sites daily. I am excited for this new beginning and all that He is going to do ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Really happy to see you all back and to be back as well. I must say I have enjoyed a lot this Honeymoon time with Him and I am excited to see all the ministering He was able to do in the different blogs.

  9. Happy, happy, happy, for the honeymoon I could have with Him, and now I’m back and excited for everything to come… always reminding me that “His plans are always bigger and better than mine”

  10. Helloooooooo, welcome back to all of you!!! Love to see how your hearts have been pour on this honeymoon!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ I enjoyed your praise a lot!!
    I do have to share that because I do a lot of admin, I do love Monday, hehehe. I will follow His lead!
    That you for the video and the amazing welcome!!

  11. Thank you for the warm welcome. This honeymoon was so incredible spending it with my Husband. So many things He showed me during this time alone with Him and He also pampered me. This was truly an amazing honeymoon with Him even if things were happening all around me, I still felt peace, love and protection. I’m excited to see what is up ahead for each one of us.

  12. Welcome back dear Brides, it was so encouraging to read all the praises and I am really learning to run to my Heavenly Husband if I feel overwhelmed and to praise and thank my HH because I have so much to be thankful for.

  13. sweet ladies, ๐ŸŒŸit is so great to have a friends arround the world with the same thinking and the same purpose-to praise our Beloved!!! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ‘ I wish you a lot of power, peace, love a many blessing to do His will! I love you all !!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    1. So nice to see you, Anissa. How are your pretty babies!! They’re so adorable! Yvonne and I were just talking about the Slovak ministry after our https://the-praise-report.com/2-14-23-lmf-podcast/
      Slovakian is still getting donations, and it needs an LMF https://restoreministriesinternational.com/lmf/, but we were hoping Bernie https://the-praise-report.com/bernie/ is coming back to minister.
      Have you been in touch with Bernie? Maybe the two of you would enjoy MINISTERING together. As we keep saying to all of our ministers, there is NO reason to do any more administrative or translations, so it’s just posting very short praises and promises or devotionals and how you were ministered by them.
      So speak to your Husband, and maybe this will be your Valentine’s present from Him.

      1. Thank you my dear Erin, my babies are very fine. ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you for the opportunity. I will pray a lot for the right answer and I will let you know. big hug my dear!!! โค๏ธ

        1. I’m glad to hear you’re all doing well. Yes, just let us know what your Husband has planned for you and thank you for my hug, along with the smile it brought to my face!!

          1. My dear Erin, I was speaking with my Beloved about it and even it looks very easy and great opportunity. It is not for me right now due, really, little time I have right now. I believe, it will be great blessing for some other bride who has a heart for it. I will continue to post my praises according His leading. Have a great day! ๐Ÿ™‚

            1. You’re so sweet to get back to me and YES, I am certain He will call the bride who is longing and eager to ministerโ€”with you so graciously posting and commenting from time to time would be perfect!! https://zachranamanzelstva.com/blog/
              In the meantime, we can all agree that there are many who could step in as a missionaryโ€”if my Husband would allow me, I would do it in a heartbeat. I LOVE the beautiful brides, like you Anissa, from Slovakia!!

  14. Welcome beautiful brides. Thank you Erin and Yvonne for the Podcast and the instructions, and I love about focusing on ministering first.
    Although I’m not an expert working at Monday, I think like Isabella, I love working there for the administrative tasks. I signed up to receive posts.

  15. Hello dear brides!!! Its so good to be back but also the honeymoon with my Beloved was soooo intense and wonderful!

    My intimacy with Him grew 100%!!! I had no idea I needed so much this time just the two of us. But He knew ๐Ÿฅฐ He put even stronger in my heart the desire to minister. Really after our honeymoon it is no longer possible to go back to the way it was before.

    But like Marta and Isabella, I also enjoy administrative tasks and I would like to dedicate 10% to this work and Monday helps me with the organization. so please i would like to be able to access the office โ˜บ

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