What a Wonderful Evening!

As I have told you before, our country has scheduled blackouts and because of some breakdowns at power plants, we are at what we call Stage 6, which means we may be without electricity for up to 4.5 hours at a time. Two nights ago was one of these evenings and my daughter, Mia suggested we play some board games and we had so much fun. No one even looked at any of their electronic devices, we just sat around the table and laughed and had so much fun.

I want to praise my Heavenly Husband for using the powercuts for good. He is so amazing and gave us such a nice evening together we were able to include my nephew as well.

8 thoughts on “What a Wonderful Evening!”

  1. Yes so true Yvonne!! When there’s no power it’s perfect opportunities to spend with Him❣and family. The best time is when we sit down for a meal together if its during this time and just talk and laugh. Im really grateful for my 2 plate gas stove. And when you commit your day to Him He helps you navigate your way around so that you can still get lots done without electricity πŸ‘Œ

  2. Thats wonderful Yvonne! Im so glad reading your praise, reminded me when I was a little girl, in a world without so much technology, playing board games with my parents and friends, it was so good!

    Our Beloved using a situation that at first seem a bad thing (the lack of electricity) and transform it in moments that you and Mia will remember foreverπŸ₯°

    Thank you for sharing dear.

  3. Beautiful praise Yvonne, thank you for sharing. We don’t have scheduled blackouts here where I live but it’s so strange that our internet will just simply cut out at times when I was trying to work. I knew that’s when He was calling me to spend time with Him and/or spend quality time with my family. I actually like when our internet goes out πŸ˜‰ He knows what He’s doing ❀️

  4. I have learned to use the blackouts for cleaning when the children are not here, no distractions, just doing the next thing! And when the kids are here and it is still light, we go for a walk or drive somewhere to just talk, drink a milkshake or enjoy a meal, or play games at night or go to bed early.

  5. Sounds perfect. As someone mentioned above it reminds me of my childhood (in the 80’s or as my children call β€œback in the 1900’s” πŸ˜‚) when there were no cell phones or internet and the quality time spent with family and friends.

  6. Beautiful moments for your children who will keep in their minds, I remember the best times with my parents when we were through crisis moments, I learned from them to not give up, and the conversations with my father during our walking after work were the most beautiful moments for me.

  7. Lovely Praise Yvonne…. Indeed a time to unplug from the online world… Boardgames is such good way to invest in the lives of our children…. As for us we read or play with cars… Remember I have 2 Boys… Our we play some kind made up game that they love…. They into popcorn now so it’s nice to see request the more healthier snack as well…… Enjoy the Loadshedding /blackouts…… Yvonne, Adina, Atarah, Janine

    From Keziah in Cape Town South Africa

  8. Beautiful to see how your HH is using a situation out of our comfort zone, to strenghten those bounds with your children, specially in these days when families are so apart one form another.

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