What I’ve Learned from wLL 35 “Added Fear”

It can be scary to step outside of our comfort zones, but it’s often necessary for us to grow and learn. Trust God and follow His lead, even when it’s difficult. It’s not always easy to let go of things, especially when we’re comfortable with them. But He knows what’s best for us, and He will provide for us even when we don’t understand.

I like the analogy of the buttermilk biscuits. It’s a good reminder that when we add fear to our lives, it can make things much worse. But when we trust in Him, He can help us to overcome our fears and live a life of peace and joy. Try to stay positive and focus on the good things, even when things are tough.

Fear can make things worse. Don’t think about all the things that could go wrong, and start to panic. Don’t let fear control you. Take a deep breath and decide to trust your Beloved. If you’re facing a difficult decision, remember: don’t add fear to the mix. Trust your HH and take the next step.

Please read and share or journal what you have learned.


8 thoughts on “What I’ve Learned from wLL 35 “Added Fear””

  1. Wow wow wow I just love how my Darling Husband speaks to me through the posts and now again your post, so thank you for sharing dear Hope. I was busy posting for Uiteindelik Hoop – https://youtu.be/_zwVNMzirfw when my Husband lead me to listened Living Lesson 79 “God Directs” – https://youtu.be/_zwVNMzirfw
    “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
    Erin said: When we become comfortable we become luke warm and just last week I had told my friend that I was very comfortable last year and suddenly I am taken out of my comfort zone because I am moving in with my parents on the other side of town and now I read this reminder that I must not add fear to it. Just last night my Darling remined me when I struggled with depression years ago and He said I must speak His word into my life and last night He reminded me to keep on speaking His promises, today I get the message not He is going to determine the outcome in my life and not to put added fear with this whole moving journey. Have I ever said I JUST LOVE WHAT OUR LOVING LORD DOES!

    1. I am so happy for you that you are able to connect with your Darling Husband through these posts and messages. He loves you very much and is always with you, even when you are feeling scared or uncertain. Continue to speak His word into your life and trust in His promises. He will guide you through this move and all the other challenges in your life. May you always feel His love and peace. 💕

  2. I went ahead and read the lesson again. You are right, the analogy of the biscuits is great. Sometimes taking a new and uncertain path with Him can be so scary, but He tells us so many times to not fear. Sometimes you cannot help but add fear to the mix and then you have to just sit with Him and see His love shine. I loved reading this lesson again, thank you for sharing Hope.
    Some of my favourite verses on fear:
    “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
    “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”
    “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the lesson again! I agree, the analogy of the biscuits is very helpful. He often leads us in new and uncertain directions, but He always promises to be with us and to provide for us. Thank you for sharing those verses.

  3. Dear Hope, thank you for sharing the lesson! For me I feel like overcoming fear is an everyday process but it’s inherent in me. But with the Lord He makes it much easier to surrender the fear and trust. It requires building faith over time but we can rely on His promises. I will always remember that “do not fear” is mentioned 365 times in Bible. So one a day to chase the fear away 🙂

    1. Gioia, The realization that “do not fear” is mentioned 365 times in the Bible is great. Thank you for that. 💕

  4. Thanks for sharing this PR it touched me so much because it reminded me of somethings, situations that have come across me and like many we react with fear. This phrase you mentioned “Don’t think about all the things that could go wrong, and start to panic.”Is many of times the first thing that comes to our mind but we have to let go and look to Him because His peace take away any fear and His words tell us that ”
    2 Timoteo 1:7
    “Porque el Espíritu de Dios no nos hace cobardes. Al contrario, nos da poder para amar a los demás, y nos fortalece para que podamos vivir una buena vida cristiana.”

    1. I am glad that it moved you, That chapter came at the perfect time for me. There were a few things that were starting to scare me last week, but the fear did not take hold. Thankfully, He reminded me of His promises.
      What a beautiful verse: “For the Spirit of God does not make us cowards. On the contrary, he gives us power to love others, and he strengthens us so that we can live a good Christian life.” Thank you for sharing it.

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