When I feel weak

β€œFor whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that hasΒ overcomeΒ theΒ worldβ€”our faith” (1 John 5:4)

This morning l woke up feeling really exhausted and l am asking my precious Darling Husband to change some things πŸ™

To explain right now l have to work late a few evenings a week to meet deadlines during July. I am not used to working late l usually get to bed quite early. The lack of sleep or rather not enough sleep l dont think that it is a good thing for me.

What l do know is that we go through seasons in life and l know that my precious Love can change this because l have seen over time how HE always comes thru in His perfect timing.

This morning as l said “You are all the l want, You are all that l need” l meant it down to the deepest depths of my soul because when we are exhausted, tired and have nothing left thats when HE steps up to be ALL that we need, giving us the strength that we need.

I just wanted to share this quick word of encouragement with you as l encourage myself πŸ™

I want to say more but l feel that my Love wants me to leave you with this. Short and sweet.

If you have never told your Heavenly Husband that HE is all you want and need then you need to read FAL. Its a revelation you dont want to miss!!! I find that whenever things get tough just being reminded of this brings me joy and peace no matter what l am going through.

Chapter 1 “What is the Abundant Life?”

10 thoughts on “When I feel weak”

  1. El dΓ­a de hoy, me despertΓ© desde muy temprano y desde mi cama me repetΓ­a esa oraciΓ³n, “TΓΊ eres todo lo que quiero, TΓΊ eres todo lo que necesito”, una y otra vez, poner mi mirada solo en Ti, y no ver mΓ‘s mi alrededor, por un momento me quede dormida como 5 minutos pero en ese momento pude ver y sentir que estaba sobre un sesped, y miraba el sol atravez de las hojas de un Γ‘rbol frondoso y que corrΓ­a el viento, escuche cantar a los pajarillos y me sentΓ­ tan real en ese lugar que cuando abrΓ­ mis ojos sentΓ­a que estaba ahΓ­, aunque solo en mi mente se quedo la imagen, y me recordΓ³ esta palabra.

    Nosotros le amamos a Γ‰l porque Γ‰l nos amΓ³ primero. El nos llama todos los dΓ­as, a cada momento y nos recuerda que su amor es real y bueno, que aprendemos de Γ‰l y Γ‰l con su paciencia nos enseΓ±a como debemos andar sobre esta tierra.

    Gracias Dios porque me amas y me enseΓ±as a amar de manera diferente


    Today, I woke up very early and from my bed I repeated that prayer to myself, “You are all I want, You are all I need”, over and over again, looking only at You, and not seeing more around me, for a moment I fell asleep for about 5 minutes but at that moment I could see and feel that I was on a grass, and I was looking at the sun through the leaves of a leafy tree and that the wind was blowing, I heard the little birds singing and I felt so real in that place that when I opened my eyes I felt like I was there, although the image only stayed in my mind, and it reminded me of this word.

    We love Him because He first loved us. He calls us every day, every moment and reminds us that His love is real and good, that we learn from Him and He with His patience teaches us how we should walk on this earth.

    Thank you God because you love me and teach me to love differently


    1. Elliot you reminded me of Psalm 23 he dies lead us to lay down on the green grass and besides the green waters. Its a place that we cant always get to in the physical but its a place in our minds and our spirits as we sit peacefully with Him πŸ₯° Yes He is with us each day through out the day we are not alone πŸ€—

  2. Thank you so much for sharing precious Atarah. I love what our Darling Lord does! I just had an overwhelming day, with my car giving problems being one of the trials and here I come and read your post and I just had to go back and read the lesson again, wow.
    “β€˜The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. β€˜And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” H2:9 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Haggai+2%3A9&version=NIV

    1. Yes Janine!! That scripture also stood out for me!!! πŸ₯³ We have so much to look forward to in the future😊 yes we go thru trials but we can still be happy knowing no matter the trials HE is with us 😍 his helping us.

  3. I can relate to the feeling of exhaustion. It’s much more difficult to concentrate and focus on the Lord when I am exhausted and cranky. I have also been praying for help or guidance in that area.

    β€œI will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” J31:25

    1. Wow Hope you explained exactly how l feel and l know that to our Beloved its important to Him how we feel HE wants us to get enough rest and to wake up feeling full of energy so l pray for you and for me this πŸ₯°πŸ™πŸ€—

  4. I love to hear about you, my sweet friend!! May the Lord continue to give you His love and peace!! Thank you for sharing my dear, I am in a season of lack of sleep as well! Alicia wakes up a lot, but I always pray for the Lord to make my day longer and give me the energy to keep going!! I pray that He sustains me as He did with Moses and Elijah, they were doing things for 40 days without eating or sleeping!!
    And He always does!! Praise Him that He is our everything always!!

    1. Aaaah yes i remember that season its a beautiful season when our kids are still babies, enjoy the season my dear lsabella πŸ₯°β™₯️ AMEN!!! I know His giving you the strength as you are putting your trust in Him ✨

  5. Dear Atarah, what helps me is to just give my days to my Beloved Lord and ask Him to guide me through everything I have to do in a day. And He always help me through my days. I also go through times where I struggle to sleep, but He also showed me that I must stop earlier in the evenings and wind down, otherwise I go to bed with my mind in overdrive, and that is when I struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep. That was the best thing He taught me to do, and to plan my days in a way that I do have the time to wind down before I go to bed.

    1. Thank you Adina what you explained works for me winding down and getting to bed early is definitely the way to go and l am just praying now telling me Darling HH exactly as ypu explained is what l want to do today and l know HE will help me make it happen πŸ˜„

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