Without Fear

When I read Facing Divorce - Again, Chapter 1 I learned that we have a choice in how we go through challenges. I don't know about you, but when my husband left me for another woman and wanted to divorce me quickly, I didn't have a choice. Of course I tried to stop it with all my might, but begging, crying and threatening (yes I know it's terrible how far I went) didn't help. I was forced to surrender because that's all there was left for me. I did not walk through it as a true believer.

Today I know better, of course all by the Lord's grace, and choose to walk through all my challenges in life as a true believer and yes sometimes I still fail, but He is right next to me to guide me and I get to trust our precious Lord, He knows what He is doing, so why should I add fear to it!

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2T1:7

Please read these passages quoted from the book Facing Divorce - Again Chapter 1:

No, I don’t believe in divorce. I would never (not in a million years) choose divorce for my children or for myself—but maybe like you, you had no choice in the matter. When that day did hit, I made a decision that I would like you to make. My decision was to walk through it as a TRUE believer. If I could trust God for my eternity, the moment that I died, then couldn’t I trust Him with here and now? What about you?

So I chose to walk through it this time without fear, and without taking the tiny baby steps that I took last time because way back then I had thought that at any moment I was about to fall off a cliff!

Precious dearest bride, please do yourself a favor and read this book, it's not just for divorce, but for any challenges in your life.

7 thoughts on “Without Fear”

  1. Thank you for sharing Dear Janine.
    The first time when we spoke about divorce, thankfully because I did the course, and was pursuing our lover, I could go through it, in peace, but almost 2 year has gone and it haven’t gone through yet, but I still fear a bit and don’t want to go through it. But I surrendered all my fears to Him, He said that I should rejoice instead, when going through it, I try to keep it in my mind, that’s give me hope.

    1. Precious Naomi remember you don’t even have to fear a bit, because our Darling Lord did not give you a spirit of fear:
      For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2T1:7 https://biblehub.com/2_timothy/1-7.htm
      I remember when I would too fear, I would say this verse out loud, because The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. P18:21 https://biblehub.com/proverbs/18-21.htm

  2. Thank you Janine, I read so much of my story in yours. I tried to fight, stand in the way, beg and plead, but the divorce was still filled. I find RMI during that time and read the FDA book during that time, which helped me to go through the divorce, I stopped fighting, begging and pleading, but was still filled with fear. During the custody case and having a much closer relationship with my Heavenly Husband, I was able to go through it with faith and my Beloved as my mighty Counsellor.

    1. I have to admit precious Adina, I did it even after the divorce and my Darling Lord was so patient with me and waited for me to surrender, but the moment I did it, it felt so freeing to just rest in Him.

  3. Merciii pour ces versets qui me réconforte et réchauffe mon coeur.
    Séparée depuis plus de deux j’avoue que je redoute ce moment et que la peur me gagne souvent.
    Votre partage me redonne l’espoir que quoiqu’il arrive(même le divorce) Dieu sera à mes côtés.
    il est mon époux Céleste

    Thank you for these verses that comfort and warm my heart Separated for more than two years, I admit that I fear this moment and that fear often overcomes me Your sharing gives me hope that whatever happens (even divorce), God will be by my side He is my Heavenly spouse

  4. Dear precious Lily, I was wondering if I should share this testimony about my fears for a dentist, my Darling led me now to share. The previous time I went to the dentist I felt everything (and even after the numbing injection). So I was so scared to go back today, but while sitting there I decided to not entertain the fear and God did not give me a spirit of fear so I won’t fear. And when the dentist was ready for me, I said to my Darling, I am not going if He is not going with me. While lying there, there was a moment when I thought that I felt pain, but my Darling said, it is the cold water I am feeling, not pain. The best part is I didn’t have to do it alone, so dearest Lily you have your Darling Heavenly Husband right next to you, just hold His hand.
    Chère précieuse Lily, je me demandais si je devais partager ce témoignage sur mes craintes pour un dentiste, ma Chérie m’a amené maintenant à le partager. La dernière fois que je suis allé chez le dentiste, j’ai tout ressenti (et même après l’injection anesthésiante). J’avais donc tellement peur d’y retourner aujourd’hui, mais alors que j’étais assis là, j’ai décidé de ne pas entretenir cette peur et Dieu ne m’a pas donné un esprit de peur, donc je n’aurai pas peur. Et quand le dentiste fut prêt pour moi, j’ai dit à mon chéri, je n’irai pas s’il ne m’accompagne pas. Alors que j’étais allongé là, il y a eu un moment où j’ai cru ressentir de la douleur, mais ma chérie a dit que c’est l’eau froide que je ressens, pas la douleur. Le meilleur, c’est que je n’ai pas eu à le faire seul, alors très chère Lily, tu as ton mari céleste chéri juste à côté de toi, tiens-lui simplement la main.

  5. Eu simplesmente amo esse livro: Enfrentando o divórcio novamente. Estou sempre voltando nele. Foi ótima essa frase: Faça um favor a si mesma e leia esse livro!!!

    I absolutely love this book: Facing Divorce Again. I keep coming back to it. This quote was great: Do yourself a favor and read this book!!!

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