wLL: “Our Endless Source”

wLL 23 “Our Endless Source”

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” (Proverbs 31:25).

Today’s Living Lesson is wLL 23 “Our Endless Source”

The Lord, our heavenly Husband is our endless source of everything, and His resources are endless, we only need to look to Him for everything we need. But sometimes we do find ourselves in a situation where what we need are not supplied.

When we are in a situation where He is our everything and our resources run out for some reason, whether it is financial or healing, it is for our good. Last year I got extremely sick with flu and fever for three days non-stop and I couldn't function, after the fever broke I was still sick for about three weeks, I was able to function to some extend, but not at my normal pace because I felt very weak and had a bad cough. I couldn't exercise or do vigorous cleaning. Being sick and not being able to do what I normally do frustrated me, and I had to go to my Husband and lay my frustrations down at His feet and ask Him why I am not feeling better yet although I am trusting Him to heal me. And He told me that I needed rest and being sick was the only way I would slow down and rest. Once I understood what He showed me and started to embrace taking it easy and resting, I slowly started to feel better and I regained my energy.

From the author:

"That’s the point, isn’t it? When for some “odd” reason we find ourselves in short supply of what we really need—why do we believe He’s withholding from us what we “need”? All I know for certain is that whatever it is, it IS, it has to be, for our good, for our safety, for our protection—something and in some way that not giving it to us means a greater GOOD for us!"

From Isabella in Costa Rica:
"How many times do we forget that Our Beloved is the one that provides everything we need for us because He is our endless source? This is something that He keeps bringing to my mind because I must not rely on anyone else but Him. When fear creeps in, I need to let go of everything, breathe, and go to my source of comfort and everything.

On those precious, surrendering moments, I understand how much I am loved, forgiven, and cared for. It is a matter of trust, believing, and waiting. Taking one step at a time, praising, praying, and trusting!"

Please read this lesson and share what you’ve learned from it in the comment section below, share your praise or pour your heart out in your journal.

2 thoughts on “wLL: “Our Endless Source””

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Adina, I know I have said it on so many occasions, but I have to say it again, I just love the Living Lessons, because my Darling Lord just loves speaking to me through the Living Lessons – He is for sure my endless Source of everything and I am so grateful that if He withholds something from me, it is for my own good because He just knows better.

  2. He is our source for everything and we can trust in Him that HE will give us that what we need, whatever it be cause he never fails, he gives us happiness so we can smile, He gives us love so we can give too

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