♕ Today's Promise: "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
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~ Poppy in Costa Rica
My dear brides,
I remember when I was very new in my journey and my HH (Heavenly Husband) opened my eyes to His truth, I wanted to cried them out to the world. As many of you, I tried to help other women but it did not work and now many years after I come to tell you why that happened.
First as was very new in all senses and did not have enough bases to help others but the second and main reason was that I was not Seeking God asking Him to send me those women that urgently were in need of Him. I didn't understand what Seeking God meant at that time, so my chair was the one selecting those women that I though were in need of Him, can you see how lost and pharisee I was?
Let me tell you that just 2 weeks ago, I was talking to my tenant and from nowhere he said his daughter was leaving in the same neighborhood because she recently separated and was devastated. I did not hesitated to give the RYM (Restore Your Marriage) book to him in order to be shared with her and send her a message in case she would like to find some hope about healing through my testimonies, the ones from someone who has been there (as Erin shares in that book)
The lady came to my door the very same day, with so many tears in her face. The Lord lead me to share how He has worked in my life after my separation and all the wonderful things He has done for me that He will be able to do for her.
When she left, I came inside home to talk to my Beloved and thank Him for sending now the women He wants to help through me and my testimonies. Some days after, she contacted me again by phone and the Lord reminded me of our 19th wedding anniversary and that it was the perfect day to give more encouragement and hope to this lady. I invited her to a restaurant and she was so surprised to see that although I don't have a restored marriage I am still happy to celebrate my anniversary.
My dear brides, this is exactly what I would like to share with you all, my joy to celebrate my wedding anniversary was not because I was thinking of an EH (earthly husband), instead He helped me to understand that this is an extremely special day in my life because it represents the moment when I made vows to Him, to my beloved Heavenly Husband. Do you understand why I always celebrate my wedding anniversary? Because it is my time with Him, I am His Bride and He is mine.
Is your anniversary a sad day? Well, just remember that your vows were to Him, you belong to Him and there is a powerful reason to continue celebrating that special day with joy.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called 'Today,' so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness." Hebrews 3:13
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