Youth Blog Advances

I am very excited about what my Husband is doing in our girls. Last week I told you my Husband led me to open a youth blog, so my dear Erin encouraged us to work hand in hand with HGM and not let the young women be instructed by Young women but by older women so as not to let them stray as it happened with the son of Solomon. Thank you, Erin, I kept it in my heart.

When I had the opportunity to meet with Isabella, my Beloved had arranged everything in the most beautiful way. She said HGM is more focused on little girls and non-adult youth who are still in High School which is wonderful for them to be spiritually well-nourished. My Husband showed me, Deborah is a bit more mature as are some of the young women in the WhatsApp group so we agreed that Isabella will foster the girls and non-adult young women at HGM, so Spanish can use the youth blog for the young adult's women who might be passing soon to the blog of adult women.

All of this coincides with my heart's desire to instruct young adults in the pre-marriage stage by offering "A Wise Woman" as a Pre-marriage course among other of our resources, my Husband confirmed this over the weekend when I received a form of marriage restored testimony completed by a never legally married young woman who is eager to become a wise woman for her future husband!!!!

She was looking to restore a dating relationship, she said was through the videos on my YouTube channel that she learned she was in idolatry, she mentioned she did not know how to have her house organized and her boyfriend criticized her a lot for that, which confirmed that they also want to learn to be workers at home!! She also said that she was sharing the resources with unmarried friends of hers!

I can only thank my Husband and rejoice in the fulfillment of His promise by extending our tents ⛺️!!!!

7 thoughts on “Youth Blog Advances”

  1. Anastasia, this is absolutely incredible and so so so exciting to see this unfolding!! I just left reading a comment from Isabella’s daughter bather, and was even able to bless her with a financial birthday gift now that we have the multiple streams of income open into each ministry!!
    While leaving that comment for Bethia’s, I wanted to encourage her to begin to learn English, because I passionately want her and all of the daughters of our ministry to be able to come work on the long side, all of their mothers and aunties, like you who can one day step into the positions we will leave. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

    Earlier, I began to see how using profile grid as a way to encourage learning if we can create a checklist that each bride and betrothed younger brides can keep updated.

    The real exciting part is to form groups in order to see who is part of the zoom fellowships!! They can work through chapters, check them off in their profile grid and everyone can see who will be joiningβ€” it’s even better than the way we used to do it because of posted profile pictures!
    Oh wow! It has been just reminded me that there is a way to privately send a text that I didn’t think we’d use because he’s been so insistent about not burrowing underground, but to stay in the light. But this is the perfect time for discretion! The hostess can easily send the zoom link this way!
    It’s interesting that my husband revealed all of this while commenting, because you are one of the best for moving forward and doing it absolutely without a doubt in obedience, by holding his hand! 🀝

    UPDATE: we are about to INVEST in the Premium+ version of ProfileGrid to unlock more ways to use this to MINISTER in an “Understanding way as with a weaker vessel since WE are women” with the BEST HUSBAND

      1. WOW!!! PTL!!! I will test ProfileGride for our Young women! I hope we can use it for reading clubs for each book, it will be amazing! I read all the comments that you shared and I am amazed at all that He is doing!! The new forms will be easy and light for all the women. It is exciting!!

  2. Wow this is definitely wonderful news I am so excited to see everything you are doing and all the blessings to come

  3. This is truly all very exciting news πŸ˜€ l asked Saadya to register. I agree with Anastasia the new forms will be so much easier.

  4. Really exciting to have a new way to communicate with the brides for the Fellowships and keep everything simple. I canΒ΄t wait to see all He has planned for this new feature.

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