Urgent Need for Help

β™• Today's Promise: β€œI have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

☊ PR Podcast Keziah

Dear Sisters in Christ

My name is Keziah from Cape Town South Africa and would like to share a short praise report with you.

About 2yrs ago I came across many of Standers Ministry and FB groups and in my urgent need for help I quickly joined most of if not all of it. And it only left me more confused. In all this time I was just causing more trouble by snooping and ongoing arguments with my husband who was still home at the time.

In September 2019 the Lord lead me Hope at Last ...but really I was not really into the courses at all because once again I was looking for a quick fix "a drive through" pick up and go to fix my marriage little did I know that I needed to surrender to God who loves me so much.

The months following September...my Mentor now ...Atarah and I would check in but nothing concrete from my side. We even committed in a dedicated time to just connect via whatsapp but not even that was followed through from side. Attrah would consistently sent Encouraging Messages like the Praise Reports of other women. At one point I started reading How God will and Can restored your Marriage BUT something was missing.

Everything happened so quick me having to learnt about the OW (other woman) expecting my husband's child and him moving out. Now to everyone else I should've lost my mind at this all literally in one go ...AND all under LOCKDOWN...BUT He has been so faithful to me.

On the day I found out about the pregnancy...God was allready at work. He used a friend of mine who asked to join two other ladies with her on a 21 day journey of Abunted Life by doing reflections looking at yourself all in the comfort of your home. Some days was hard and one particular day ...The truth hit me hard in my face.

The truth was I had put God on the backburner and have allowed everything else including my husband take a far more important role in my life. My relationship with God was based on a Sunday Experience and that's it. I cried out to God so much that day and then finally got the message that my relationship with God needs to be restored first. I remembered sharing with Attrah had I started the courses when I met her I was not really ready because I needed to surrender completely to God.

It's been a little over a month now and WOW!!!! Praise God! I have so much peace in my heart. Make no mistake it's not been easy but God has been so faithful. I have fully committed my life back to God and allready I can see his hand in the details of my eveyday journey.

I Thank God for his faithfulness and loving me so much to give me this wonderful oppertunity to rebuild our relationship first. I feel like a new creation.

With much love and prayers.

John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"

Job 22:21 β€œSubmit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you."

John 16:33 β€œI have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

~ Keziah in South Africa