I Decided to Follow the Voice Every Time

β™• Today's Promise: β€œNow to Him who is able to do immeasurably more Than all we ask or imagine” β€” Ephesians 3:21

☊ PR Podcast Yvonne

[Chapter 3 "Imagine" in Moving Mountains]. This is one of those chapters that you actually know, but you don't really grasp it until you read the chapter. Wow, I have read it a few times over and it opened my eyes. You have to read it!

First I need to explain how absolutely amazingly He led me to this chapter and what came before. A lot of things have been happening in my life in the last few weeks. I knew what the Lord wanted me to believe Him for, but I could just not see with my human eyes how any of it could be possible. How there could possibly be a way out of the situation. How His promises could actually be fulfilled. I was going through a tough time after receiving a message from my former husband that was the type of message he used to send in the past to ask me to account for certain things happening in my home. I was taken aback to be getting these messages from him after we have been getting along so well and talking 3 or more times a week on the phone. As I was sitting on my favourite spot, which is my porch, and crying and talking to Him, I could clearly hear Him say, do your next lesson. At first, I thought I was imagining it, but the past few weeks I was really trying to live in obedience when I would hear His voice and making sure to follow it. As I am never certain whether it is from Him or not, I decided to follow the voice every time it was not in contradiction of what the bible teaches and know that He will teach me to discern and look for confirmation. As this was not a big deal and obviously not something in contradiction with the bible I got up to get my phone and search for my next lesson, which was this one, Imagine.

Wow, so this lesson took me by surprise because what I realized was that every time I was telling everyone that I could not see with my human eyes how He will fix this situation, I was not imagining it, I was not seeing it with Him! I repented and I started talking to Him seeing my future with Him knowing that He is so faithful to His word. And then He just confirmed it of course by giving me a wonderful verse:

Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?" John 11:40 while I was actually searching for another verse:):):) He is amazing, isn't He?

By knowing that He wants to do more than I can ever imagine, I want to imagine my life with Him, I want to imagine what He has planned for me and live in expectation that it will be even more than I could ever imagine and not live with the "I cannot see it happening" type of mentality that I have been living with. Changing the situation, will of course still need a miracle, but now I can imagine what that miracle would look like and talk with Him about it instead of just stumbling in the dark waiting for Him to draw the curtains. Now even though I may sometimes be sitting in the dark, I can close my eyes and imagine with Him what He has planned.

Speaking about my situation as if it is hopeless and I cannot see a way out when I know I have Him next to me.

Dear Lord, thank You that I can talk to You about anything. Thank You that You are never too busy to listen to me rambling on about my feelings. I can think of no one that will be kind and patient enough to listen to all I have to say, but You are, You do. Thank You so much for all You are leading me towards. Thank You that You are teaching me so much. Help me to listen to Your voice to follow You whenever You tell me something. You are all I need. Amen.

Dear Brides, these are one of those lessons that open your eyes to the truth it seems you have been staring at for so long but could not comprehend. You know when you read a book and you keep reading the same sentence over and over because you are a bit distracted so you are not getting the sentence, well of course I have been reading and quoting the opening verse here so much but not really getting it. I get it now, thanks to this chapter.

β€œNow to Him who is able to do immeasurably more Than all we ask or imagine” β€” Ephesians 3:21

~ Yvonne in South Africa
Our Afrikaans’ Ministry PastorΒ and RMI'sΒ Ministry Director
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