EH has new OW, but I Could Feel Peace Again

He is good all the time! Over the last months in 2017 and all of 2018, I’ve been going through several battles but, my HH has given me the strength I needed to live them out. Since this battle is not mine I must sit and watch God work on my behalf.

A good relationship was growing back between me and EH, however, the enemy stepped in and different things happened. At first right before Christmas we shared a hotel room, still, we slept apart but he was nice and gentle with me, he invited us to go sleep at his place for the night to be closer to the bus terminal cause we (me and son) would be traveling next day. He had mentioned before that this was dangerous, so instead I had only accepted like I have been taught, I suggested that better we would stay in the hotel where was safer and as usual he accepted but I knew I lost a big chance there cause maybe something positive would have happened but my big mouth had to open (I was afraid of him getting close to me cause I didn’t feel like before).

After that, we chatted while I was home then something happened, my EH lost his phone and when he appeared again, he had a new OW. I felt crushed at the moment cause I really thought things were working out and restoration was getting close, then I realized I was falling back in the same things from a year ago, expecting from a man, not my HH.

Although things had changed, I said to myself be strong and hold on to HH He is my strength, He had never left me and will not do it now. These are trials that come to strengthen and they are only circumstances to show me that the only one I should expect and hope on is My HH, He never fails. and He has full control of my life.

Several times I think about giving up, however, I know with Him I’ve won already I just have to wait, plus I started noticing that He has been erasing certain feelings from me, with all I heard about EH, it affected me and I got upset but it didn’t hurt like it did once, I stood on His promises and in a little time those negative feelings were gone and I could feel peace again, at the moment U said certain things I shouldn’t have and answered my EH in a way I shouldn’t either.

What I did was praised Him and thanked Him because with these trials He showed me that I wasn’t ready for restoration I still had a lot to go thru but HH would always be there making me fall more and more in love with Him. Friends encourage me to move on and I accepted just not the way they wanted me too, I decided that my marriage depended entirely on HH and being with Him I don’t need anyone else, we’re a family, my son, me and Him and although I know my son needs his earthly father I know HH will make everything fall in its own place, in its own time. It’s part of His plan! (LAL)

My HH changed my feelings; I don’t hate or feel upset at my EH anymore, I feel sorry for him ’cause I see he doesn’t have what I have, Blessing from HH. I still love him like we are taught to, unconditionally, although it’s hard I know he needs to find God and so I continue to pray for him to find that comfort I have in my HH.

At times I think to just give up on my marriage restoration but our HH works mysteriously. My baby is still expecting his EF so I can’t be selfish I will just let my HH take care of that. Meanwhile, I fall more and more in love with HH as He spoils me with His love and blessings, which I don’t want to lose out on.

Brides, it’s hard but not impossible not with God!

β€œLook at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told. (Habakkuk 1:5)

Brides, things might get really hard on our journey, however, don’t worry, HH is with us and he has great things planned for us but to get them we have to be prepared, and that’s what is happening when He allows us to go through trials, but He never gives us more than we can take so just pray, praise and wait, He is always on time, and we can’t imagine what He has planned for our future, but we can depend on him. Jesus looked at them and said, β€œWith man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27) NIV

As hard as the circumstances look, don’t gaze or believe the lies of the enemy, He is right there with you waiting to show you that with Him everything is possible, and I mean every single thing!

For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. (Romans 11:36) NIV

~ Jewel in Honduras