Battling With My Old Self

β™• Today's Promise: "To thee I cry, O Lord; I say, Thou art my refuge, my portion in the land of the living." Psalm 142:6

~ Kristine in the Netherlands

☊ PRAISE from Kristine

Dear Bride,

With this Praise Report I want to give from my heart all the glory, honor and gratitude to Him for the day that my Heavenly Father has given me as a bride to His Son. He alone knows how much I needed to be broken by Him and then built up again.

And now He is turning the tide for me in my life. He shows me all the changes that are taking place in myself, my children, my former husband, colleagues and situations that I would like to see changed. All this after I simply asked Him. Because from within myself I could not see them. He opens my eyes and ears so that I may know that He is faithful in His Word. And hears and sees me. You don't always need to see something. Because faith is based on the invisible. Showing changes I'm talking about here is seeing changes as we begin to obey His principles. Every principle has a promise and a blessing.

Before I joined RMI (Restore Ministries International) and learned the principles that taught me to live the Abundant Life, my mouth was the big stumbling block. So wonderful is it that I can now thank Him with all my heart for answering my prayer. For now I have the victory in Him to no longer defend myself but let Him do it. That's so much better.

At work a few weeks ago I was verbally attacked out of nowhere by a colleague. At first I didn't understand why she did that, but I soon realized that several people were involved in the unjustified attack. After I told her that she herself had made the choice to attack me. Which I later regretted a lot. And for which I have expressed my regret to my Heavenly man. He provided for me the way out so that I couldn't say more. It was the end of the day, so I went home. I couldn't go the next working day because I was sick (Covid-19).

Recently after almost so many weeks that have passed, I have started working again. And brides how many times in the weeks I was home I thought I would defend myself if I saw the colleague again. However, the grace and love of my Beloved has not given me the opportunity.

Meanwhile battling with my old self, He has made me read the lessons "They don't have it", "Winning Without Becoming" and "The Wave of Adversity". And after the last lesson I was able to completely surrender myself. Finally I could forgive, bless and thank this colleague for what she had done.

And now comes the best part....... He defended me ❀️. The same colleague this week expressed her regret for what she had done. The next day she was told how the situation had really turned out. And that she had found out that she had acted with wrong information.

Dear brides, this is not a situation that I think you will easily send in as a praise report. But I think these kinds of situations that happen daily in our lives with others have a great impact on showing to others that we brides of our Heavenly Man are anchored in His love. And that we can fully trust that He will stand up for us and then give us even more.

My colleague is still angry about the situation as He has turned the anger into His peace and joy in me. And I have now gained even more faith and trust in Him who loves me so much. My love for Him has grown even greater. You may not see these things as blessings, but I never did before. Now it is. For blessings do not come only in the form of materialistic things. The changes that are taking place in you and everyone around you are also blessings.

Brides I would like to encourage you to start reading His Word and surrender yourself to Him. He's so great.

"If ye abide in my word, verily ye are my disciples, and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." John 8:31-32

"Therefore trust in You those who know Your name, for thou hast never forsaken those who seek thee, O Lord." Psalm 9:11

"To thee I cry, O Lord; I say, Thou art my refuge, my portion in the land of the living." Psalm 142:6

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