I Was Not Expecting Anything

β™• Today's Promise: β€œSo I, the Lord, will speak romantic words to her. I will lead her into the desert and speak tender words" Hosea 2:14


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~ Paula in Brazil

☊ PRAISE from Paula

I woke up early that day, I had nothing special, as it was Saturday, I was planning to do my nails and go to the grocery... I was walking and talking to Him and all of the blue I remember that it was my 17th wedding anniversary \o/

Not only it surprises me the fact that I didn't remember this previously, but what surprised me the most was that I was not expecting anything about the day! I know, I know, it seems awkward how to forget your Anniversary, and I have to tell you I don't know!!! But I also have to tell you that I am healed about this!!

Like Valentine's day, the day of our anniversary was the day I always struggled with! I used to make plans in my mind about how the EH (earthly husband) would surprise me, as he was the romantic one, before we got married, so I used to have these dreams, and at the same time, I began feeling the pain about if it won't happen in the way I desired.

But now, no! Not anymore!!!! I am really healed, that's what my HH (Heavenly Husband) told me, while walking to my beauty and relaxing moment of having my nails done. While being there I could share about this Love that fills me up with my manicurist. While she was sharing with me of never being married and how about having relationships that don't thrive.

I could tell her that even being married sometimes I also used to feel lonely, but that now I have always Someone with me, and that my feeling changed so much, I kept on trying to put in words how I feel and told her about the wonderful women I know that are living a wonderous single, married, separated or even divorced life, because they found Someone to share their lives, like I also did \o/ - I know we will keep on talking about HIM in our next appointments πŸ™‚

After that my HH (Heavenly Husband) led me to jewelry and gave me a special gift for my anniversary, He is so romantic! He also led my EH (earthly husband) to give me a new and great cellphone and also we had a great time together as a family, in our now favorite restaurant!!

Dear bride, my desire, for you today is that you have a special moment with Him, and let He talks to you in the way that only He can and desire to do!

β€œSo I, the Lord, will speak romantic words to her. I will lead her into the desert and speak tender words" Hosea 2:14

Our Portuguese Ministry Pastor and RMI’s Portuguese Branch Director
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