Making My Marriage an Idol

Dear Bride, true love can only be found with our HH. Yes, our distorted relationship might have brought us here but that was just what he used to get our attention.

I read Chapter 14 "You're All that Matters" a second time the day after I agreed and went through with a demand my EH has asked of me. (I felt it was unreasonable and against what I believe and how I grew up). I did it and knew for a fact that He, my HH, has really worked on me.

Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready. Revelation 19:6-9.

Anyway, a day after all the above went down, that verse happened and I believed that was the day, a marriage spoken about in revelation actually, officially took place. And it might sound crazy but it was really like a real wedding happened. I am HIS bride and was ready, and up to that point, I was being prepared for the wedding.

He has taught me and continues to teach me that He is all that I need and all that I want. I am letting go, I am seeking His will and I understand that He is in control and above it all, I am trusting Him. He loves me (still trying to grasp the depth of His love) and everything that He allows and does, will work together for good. I had initially typed for "my" good then changed it to just for good because He sees the bigger picture and I must trust Him with that.

The struggle is lessening. I am realising more that this restoration journey has never been about my marriage but about me and Him and even when He restored my marriage in the past, I have just gone back to making my marriage an idol. Now, I don't ever want to make anything an idol and I want Him to also have His place in my heart and life forever.

I was talking to a colleague at work who had divorced her husband and appeared to have moved on and is considering starting another relationship. However, she tells me about being wounded in her spirit and unable to commit to her new relationship and I was able to talk about the healing that God has done in my spirit and soul and how much happier He has made me, married or unmarried. I told her about a healing and total restoration only He can bring.

She pulled a face when I talked about God restoring her marriage but I was quick to point out to her that it was not about her marriage but about her healing and her true restoration. That another marriage or relationship will not meet her deepest needs and only God can. I have given her a testimony book and committed her into God's hand.

To help me complete the course, I am really slow but I know that I am to run to Him alone and this course the Abundant Life is helping me do that.

Oh Lord, You are all that I need and want. Help me to run to You daily and hourly. I seek intimacy, please let nothing ever take Your place.

Dear Bride, it can sometimes be hard but one day you will look and see how far He has brought you and you will be like the bride you are becoming.

This book, Finding the Abundant Life, I think truly help us focus on Him as our Heavenly Husband and truly helps prepare us to be His bride, that bride without spot and blemish.

~ Jennifer in Australia

RMT: A Healthy Baby

had the pleasure of spending a glorious weekend with Jennifer and her four gorgeous and extremely well-behaved children in the Blue Mountains, Australia! Be sure to follow Friday's , where both and , share how their honeymoon with their HH has continued!

Restoration Fellowship

"A Church without Walls"

Restoration Fellowship is moving to a new site, and along with this move comes exciting new weekly messages currently being written. But first, our HH led us to go through the first series again—a series of short Living Lessons many of us had been longing to read again.

Whether you are a Fellowship member or would just like to visit and come away encouraged, we hope you enjoy this Wednesday's Weekly Living Lesson—posting each and every Wednesday.

*If you missed last week's post, we'd suggest starting at Week 1 and give yourself a full week, allowing Him to drench you in the dew of its truth.

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul.”
—Psalm 23: 1-3

Week 3 “He Leads Me”