Income Never met the Expenses

A couple of weeks ago I was visited by my EH 's aunt who pastors the church with his uncle that my EH and I attend. She was accompanied by another lady of the council. The visit was in actual fact to inquire about my non-attendance at church. So this Praise Report is to Praise my wonderful HH for allowing Him to use their visit to allow me to speak at that Friday's Ladies Meeting despite the reason for their visit!

I really don't know how the conversation led to me telling them about what the Lord had done in my life regarding finances. Somehow I started explaining to them about how I struggled in my life was when I took it upon myself to take care of the finances, how every month I would do the budget to pay the bills but how the income never met the expenses. It was agreed that the meeting was God ordained because the theme for the Ladies Meeting was "How God helps us in our Daily Lives".

He led me to start off by sharing in the Ladies Meeting my Testimony of how He had restored my marriage and to speak about what I had learned in A Wise WomanΒ specifically C3 Day 17 Chapter 9 "Helper Suitable"Β  and how it had impacted my life and helped me to understand how to make room for my EH to take over our expenses and finances and how my HH blessed me as I started speaking to Him about my struggles and stood on His word that I learned from the WW Helper Suitable chapter by my HH letting EH make the decision to relocate, where he was employed in a job that allowed him to earn enough to take care of our finances and more importantly our expenses!!

I was able to share how wonderful the Lord was to take away all the stress I had having sleepless nights worrying about how our rent and expenses would be paid and how He led me to understand how I was taking on something that was not my place to take on. Today my EH is blessed to be the saviour of our family just like it says in Ephesians 5:23, NASB: "For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body." Ephesians 5:23, NLT: "For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the savior of his body, the church."

I would not be in the place of where I am in my life today, a place of happiness, being provided for and a Worker @ Home to name a few, there are soooo many more blessings I could name!Β  If it wasn't for my HH who is my Saviour. He is the one who led me to here where I have learned so much and gave me the opportunity to share with a group of women. I was also able to sow 3 books, an RYM, WOTT, and a FAL after I had shared. He is amazing because the lady that received the RYM was going through a divorce and a younger single lady was given the FAL πŸ™‚

So my Praise today is to encourage all you Brides regarding Evangelism. I want to encourage you to not keep what you learned to yourself but to seek your HH about where HE wants you to share and what He wants you to share. And don't worry about all the finer details because He will work it all out! He just wants us to be His mouthpiece just sharing with one woman at a time.

When I was asked to share He reminded me of a verse that I had written down in Acts 20:24 "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given meβ€”the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace". I remember praying one day and asking Him where and how He would like me to testify to the Good News of His grace, really at the time not thinking much of it. So it was really His plan that led me to share.

Brides, leave it up to Him to show you, lead you and guide you. There are many hurting brides out there who are desperate to know His healing love and the only way for them to live the lives of victory He has given you is for them to know the truth of His word! Don't keep this to yourself.

John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

When I think back to how desperate I was I can't help but know in my heart that I have a deep desire for the women in my community, and my country to know what I know and to also know that there is nothing in my strength I can do or influence this to happen. Only He can!!!

~Β Atarah in South Africa
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β€œBetter for Me Then, than Now”