I will NOT Move until HE PROMPTS!!

My heart is eternally grateful for this ministry and this free course (and RYM Book). I have walked away with so many gifts, so much biblical knowledge, and a truly changed woman from inside out. I thank the Lord for my friend, Gail, who gave me the book as well. The Lord knew exactly what I needed, and HE provided through this course/ministry.

Thank you for all the women who have shared encouragement and growth, and the common theme amongst them all was giving their marriage to the Lord completely. Taking if off their plate and simply focusing on the Almighty Lord of the Universe, HH. Also, a special thank you to Erin, who has shared so much and spent so much time ministering to others. I hope and pray her marriage is blessed more each day. You are a mighty force, Erin, in God's kingdom. Thank you for being you and for all your encouragement.

I already have recommended the RYM Book to many others. I have said it's life-changing - even if your marriage is going well...these Godly principles ensure a healthy, successful marriage. It is a gold mine.

These testimonies in Course 1 and β€œWOTT” prove that the Lord's Word is true and does not return void. At times, our faith comes in and out, and reading these wonderful testimonies provides so much hope.

I found you after I filed for divorce about 30ish days ago. My friend, Gail, called me and said "the Lord could use your marriage for a great testimony to others"...she asked me if I knew what the "faith" meant! I said of course I do...the next day I called my attorney and withdrew the papers. Thank God my EH had not yet responded to the papers and they were withdrawn successfully.

Although my EH was noticed of the withdrawal, I have no idea if he's actually opened his mail (often times ignores mail)...I have cried out to the Lord to save our marriage and that I will NOT move until HE PROMPTS!! I am waiting on the Lord regardless of what others think or say. The Lord must "turn my husband's heart"..when He is ready. I am sitting quietly and still. Praise God.

THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH LORD JESUS for hearing my prayers and giving me hope. Without hope, one cannot survive. The hope in you never fails and you promise to never leave nor forsake us. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART. Thank you SO much for pointing me to my own sins and showing me how bad my own heart was. I praise for changing me forever inside out. Also, I do believe that YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS!! Thank you for increasing my faith. I love you.

Dear Bride - I am so excited for you, that you found new hope through this amazing ministry who will teach you how to absorb GOD'S WORD that never fails and HE will never leave nor forsake you. Just keep an open heart, and don't be too hard on yourself (as I was). The Lord forgives us immediately, and oftentimes, we are too hard on ourselves, which opens the door to the enemy. Much love in your journey!

~ Briella in California

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Luke 6:38 β€œGive, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measureβ€”pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”

Matthew 6:19–21 β€œDo not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”