Find that Missing Link

Dear Brides, many times we don’t feel a closeness to our HH when we thought we had done everything here. You will learn that there might be just something else you need to do to have a more intimate relationship with God your HH.

I have read and reread this Chapter 13 “If You Love Me” many times and I for some reason, I was not able to continue. I felt like I had to go through it one more time… many times it clearly explains what insubordination is, what being obedient is and what rebellious is. I feel that after going through this chapter I cannot be a rebel. I am called to follow God’s word and I need to put my selfish needs behind me and move forward to live a life that God intended.

I have been praying and asking God or my HH for a closer intimate relationship with him and I feel I am simply not there. Today I have reflected on the many ways I have been rebellious I feel right now that is the reason I have not completely felt his presence. I must stop and ask for forgiveness and start following more closely what he wants me to do and how he wants me to lead my life.

β€œIf we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8). This hits home as I was reading the lesson I thought I did not have sins or big ones anyways but after reading this verse it made me reflect, and surely I do have sins it keeps me in check

First and foremost I will acknowledge all the ways I have been disobedient, I shall ask for forgiveness so that I can move forward. All this is simply to have a relationship with my God, my HH, there is nothing I want more but to be intimate with my HH.

If you are feeling as I do, then let’s pray now: My HH you know how I have been struggling lately I have let the enemy play with my thoughts, I have given him an open door to do as he pleases. But I am sooo tired and many things have been going on today that I need you more than ever. I feel physically, emotionally and spiritually tired, I am at your feet, do with my life as you please. I know only good can come out of you helping me follow through with your support to do and to be my best for you and only you… Guide me to follow through with all the principles you present in all lessons.

Dear Brides still on the journey to discovering yourself this lesson Chapter 13 “If You Love Me” is an eye-opener you will find the many reasons why you are possibly struggling read on only YOU COULD understand what God has instead for you.

Dear reader many times we keep struggling. Our situations in life and we question God what else, what else am I do to live a happy abundant life if I have done everything? In this book, you will find that missing link read on with open active heart.

~ Emma in Sedona
I’m aΒ tithingΒ partner.Β Learn more.

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