RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “Not Able to Love”

Not Able to Love

Salomé, how did your restoration actually begin?

I want to begin my testimony by giving all honor and glory to my God Almighty ... because without Him, there is no restoration !!!!!!

I am convinced that my restoration began the moment I let go of my husband completely, and focused on God. Since the beginning of my separation I never stopped praying or fasting, but this did not improve my situation, instead things went from bad to worse. What changed everything was after hearing the Restore Your Marriage book, about 50 times, someone told me about it. So I came to the  conclusion that I was missing the most important thing!!!!! And that was to put God ahead of everything... no longer putting my restoration as a priority in my life and have complete contentment with my situation.

So I began to focus more on my relationship with the Lord as my husband, feeling He was right there !!!!!! When things became like a miracle ... it happened all within about 2 weeks when my mother told me that my husband wanted a divorce, but our Mighty God, the heart of my husband can be turned, because God keeps His promises ...

How did God change your situation as you sought Him wholeheartedly Salomé?

Just at the time that I gave my life to God, and then I found my Heavenly Husband, that’s when He gave me back my husband, on a Saturday afternoon, coming back through the door as the book says. And not just back but he had changed! We have a much better relationship than before, and every time I begin to fear or doubt about my husband, I begin to pray and talk to the Lord until peace happens and everything is in focus, He is first again.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Salomé, did the Lord teach you during this trial?

Coming here I learned to feed my soul with as much of Psalms that I could, they are precious. There is no better balm for the soul that to read Proverbs, and there is no better counselor than God alone. There is no better friend than the Lord, for my life depends on being at peace with my dear God through Him as my Heavenly Husband. Also to begin the day praising HIM. Honestly there is no better life, than the life demanded by God that we are supposed to live. Only this will stop us from being a contentious woman. Only knowing this will show us how to leave our burdens in God's hands and trust Him.

I think my restoration was far greater with my Heavenly Husband than it ever could be with an earthly husband. I certainly never thought to have a better relationship with God, and I never dreamed to have it this way, to have such love for my Heavenly Husband. I'm more in love with Him as my Heavenly Husband that I am with my earthly husband. There is no fuller life without Him. I am not able to love, I learned to love God as He deserves and commands us, to love my Heavenly Husband !!!! And to LOVE HIM above all things and everyone!!!!!!

Salomé, what were the most difficult times that God helped you through?

Yes, I learned that if you want restoration you have to forgive, beginning with my earthly husband but also to forgive all my enemies, including the other woman.

What was the “turning point” of your restoration Salomé?

When he came to ask me about coming back. He said he felt his heart telling him to come hope and that he sincerely regretted everything!! Plus, I had always talked so much about him going to church because before coming here I would never miss, but because I let go, he felt he could take me.

Tell us HOW it happened Salomé? Did your husband just walk in the front door?

One day my mother came in through the front door and told me to give God my divorce, and if I did He soon would overturn it.

The next day I get to my apartment and there is my husband asking me to go on a trip with him, then when we come back, I never imagined that he would ask to restore our marriage. Things changed from a crisis of a divorce looming to restoration, from a single moment to the other just that quickly.

Salomé, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?

After giving it all to God, I soon began to feel less weight; I felt my burden was lighter and I started to feel content and happy in my situation. Then one morning I opened my Bible and went Psalm 21, and I felt such utter joy when I was reading!! It was something indescribable, my heart jumped with excitement because I knew He had taken me to that verse to tell me what was about to happen!!! And it was only two weeks later that I had my restoration !!!

Would you recommend any of our resource Salomé that helped you?

On this point I can be entirely clear!!!!! The best resources is Erin’s book Restore Your Marriage because God created this book through her. God blessed so many women because of the time she went through her restoration that gave us all this book. God can and will restore your marriage was a guide for me and what led me to restoration !! May God bless you Erin, and all your family and descendants for making His sheep be turned back to the Shepherd!! This book is a real help to anyone who has any horrible marriage that needs restoration !!!!!

Do you have favorite Bible verses that you would like to pass on to women reading your Testimonies? Promises that He gave you Salomé?

Isaiah 49:23
“And you will know that I am the Lord; Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame.”

Salomé, would you be interested in helping encourage other women?


What kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion Salomé?

Dear Friend, do not despair, go through the fires of separation because, like me, it will change your life like it did mine!!!! Be ready to leave everything at the Lord's feet!!! Be patient, is my main advice to everyone !!!! And as the Restore Your Marriage book says, if you try to do everything in your strength you will fail because you need to leave it all to God! The book title says it, How GOD Can and Will Restore Your Marriage! And if you leave it with Him and focus on Him, He alone will restore you !!!!!!! All glory then, all honor will be His forever!

IS YOUR Marriage RESTORED? Are you not sure?