How YOU can be BLESSED and how to BLESS your entire family!!
His Promise: "How blessed is the one whose delight is in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they PROSPER in all they do"!! "PS123"
Let go of what most Christians set out to do—taking an entire YEAR to read through the Bible—when YOU can easily read through the entire Bible in just 48 to 96 days—by simply listening and reading along!
★★★★★ Lota in Florida:
I want to share how I am so grateful for the Psalm 123 telegram groups that have started. Although I have read so much of the bible, I always thought reading "through" the whole bible was an impossible task. It is amazing how He is guiding me and allowing me special time with Him to start working through it and allowing Him to speak to me through His Word. I have decided to read it using my second language Spanish, and it is true what another member said, "When we read in a different language, we take the time to really learn and look up words and find true meaning to what we are reading." I am on this journey with Him and I encourage all of you—if you haven't joined the Psalm 123 groups. Open your hearts and allow His word to renew and restore every area of your life.
English PS123 •
Polski PS123•
Afrikaans •
Português •
Français •
Slovenský •
Afrikaans •
Tagalog •
Does this mean I'll read the entire Bible in a YEAR?
No, we encourage you to read along as He leads you. Invite friends and create a PS123 Group to encourage and strengthen your relationship with GOD while dispelling the many lies associated with reading through your Bible. Why chop up the Bible by reading a few verses at a time when you can simply breeze through the Bible—with a far greater understanding of the Bible as a WHOLE ENTIRE book—by simply listening and reading along!
Your PS123 Telegram Group is also a fantastic place to gather and share PRAISE along with special verses that have personally touched you—to encourage the other women (why not your daughters: Goddaughter, niece, cousin, neighbor, coworker) to continue breezing through the Bible, God's Word, with HIM guiding each of you.
All of us who've read through the Bible started with just 5 min each morning and evening—which does mean it would be an entire year to read through the Bible. However, almost all of us have discovered that He led us to slowly increase our time each morning and evening—and as Erin shares (below)—this means going through the entire Bible in just weeks or a few months. By SIMPLY replacing your 30 minutes scrolling through social media and maybe another television show you really don't particularly like AND should fast from—just imagine the feeling you'll have by spending this much time with His healing Words washing over you!
Washed with the Water of His Word
"So that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word"
What's most IMPORTANT is that you allow HIM TO LEAD you and not set any rules or "religious" regimes—so you continually increase your intimacy with HIM and a truer understanding of His Word.
☊ Listen to Erin as she shares how the Lord led her to use this method of listening and while reading along, then later how her husband Dan used it to Spiritually lead his family every morning and evening.
On their farm, that you read about in Macy's Barn Cat and Horses Hoped For, their entire family of 9 would gather to listen and follow along in their Bibles as Alexander Scourby "Read through the Bible" sowing a love for His Word into the hearts of their 7 children.
☊ Listen to Yvonne as shares how she began PS123 with her two children and how she set up the YouVersion app for her mother-in-law—and her plans to create their own WhatsApp PS123 for 3 Generations!!
Begin using this method yourself, and then with your children WHILE your husband is away—so that when he returns and witnesses his family, he will not just join in, but hear how his entire family is eager to have him take his rightful place as their Spiritual Leader.
☊ Listen to Yvonne in South Africa our Afrikaans’ Ministry Pastor and RMI's Ministry Director, is using it now to prepare for her RESTORATION.
*YouVersion is where we Invest and sow RMI's Partner Tithe and Offering.
Maybe this isn't the Narrated Bible you prefer—especially if you want to read and listen in another language, FANTASTIC, there are several languages to choose from—jump to the top of the page and click on the link—or start a PS123 in your OWN language.
CLICK HERE so we can rally around and help support you! That's what the Encouraging Woman logo means, YOU are in the center and 2 other brides hold up your hands so together we can PRAISE what He's done by using you!
“But [Your NAME] hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put it under [her], and [s]he sat on it; and Aaron [Bride #1] and Hur [Bride #2] supported [her] hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus [her] hands were steady until the sun set.” Exodus 17:12
Este método de escuchar la biblia mientras la leemos es maravilloso
lo estoy haciendo y hasta creo que entiendo mejor lo que leo 
This method of listening to the Bible while reading it is wonderful
, I’m doing it and I even think I understand better what I read 
Thank you.