Allow your life to be supernaturally transformed!

"But blessed are those who trust in theย Lord and have made theย Lord their hope and confidence." Jeremiah 17:7-8

Hello, my dears. How wonderful it is to be able to share with you some of the wonders my Beloved has done!

Today, rereading the Lesson "Day 10 Assurance Protection" I was reminded that when we go through trials and are faithful with our #tithes, it is because God will bless us twice! I believe and trust in this!!!

And it was from the moment I made this decision that I live with a perfect Best Friend.

There are many points that I could address in this praise report, because He has done so much for me and our daughter.

I have learned a lot here at RMI and for that I am very grateful. And I run here to tell you everything that can serve as a testimony to build your faith, with much joy and love, so that your faith may also be strengthened, as mine has constantly been.

One of the greatest lessons learned from this journey has been to depend only on my Beloved Lord. So, everything I need, I ask Him and no one else. I keep quiet and let Him do it for me.

Next weekend, I will be with my family participating in a photo shoot for my niece's graduation invitation, who, by the Grace of God, will graduate in Medicine. So we are very grateful and happy for yet another great thing that He is doing in our family. All honor and glory to Him...

It has been a long time since I went to a salon to get my nails or hair done, because even though I am not in debt, what I have been paying has been for the various expenses at home, such as my daughter's school, maintenance of the house, and the monthly and high expenses... so I had to cut back on some expenses, which I sought from my Beloved and told me could be cut at that moment... And I thank my Beloved for allowing me to spend this time without these pampering, because before I was a very vain person, very neurotic about nails, and I thought I needed to do them every week and if possible even twice a week. I know that this time away from these things was His work in me, and I praise Him for that. Well, getting back to the photos, I made a list of things I needed, which were: to have a black outfit (which I thankfully already have, and for my daughter, my niece lent me a very beautiful dress), I wanted to get my nails done, get my hair done, and I wrote on the side that I would really like to go to the salon, because I confess that I have never been able to do it myself... And I told Him about my desires, and it was then that yesterday, my niece who does my Income Tax sent me a message saying that my tax refund would be on the 30th. At that moment, my heart raced. I knew Who had provided me with a gift and made my heart happy. This means that I will be able to go to the salon to have the care I need and desire...

Oh girls, I know that not everything is easy on this journey, but we cannot miss the opportunity to learn and practice this new version that is being shaped in us. To win without words. To pray for everything I need. To learn to wait for the right time. I practice the principle of being faithful in tithing and offerings, because the One who rescued me love me very much and makes an absolute point of demonstrating this. And He does it with perfection and great affection. He wants me to trust Him. To be intimate and specific. Furthermore, to be grateful.

I am grateful to my Beloved Lord and Best Friend for making me His bride and taking such wonderful care of me, demonstrating His love and mercy in every moment of my life!!!
God is faithful and His faithfulness lasts forever!!

My dears, at this moment I would like to encourage you to give your heart to Him, being aware that the Lord wants the best for you and your family. And if you still have any questions about tithing and where your storehouse is, I would like to encourage you to stop for a moment and ask Him. Allow yourself to have a supernaturally transformed path and be cared for by the one and only true Love!

"My God will supply all your needs according to his glorious riches" Philippians 4:19

โ€œBut blessed is the man whose trust is in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the waters that sends out its roots by the stream. It will not fear when heat comes, for its leaves are always green. It will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will it cease to bear fruit.โ€ (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

These scriptures are so important to me because as I surrender and trust my Beloved with my lives and my tithes and offerings, He is faithful to bless me and supply all my needs in every area of my live.

Be encouraged!

11 thoughts on “Allow your life to be supernaturally transformed!”

  1. Dear Martha
    What a great revelation. It’s awesome to be conscious of those things that are hidden in our hearts.
    It brings memories of pride and selfishness when I wrongly though I had been better or more beautiful or perfect that other ladies just because of my appearance.
    God only knows our hearts and thoughts. We can’t hide anything from Him. For Him, our intentions are clear. He knows our minds even when we get our hair or nails done!!
    I’m profoundly grateful for reading this post today but even more for His discipline in this aspect. He can change everything to give us a lesson. In my case, I became a full time mom and the family cooker (something imaginable years ago) so nails stopped being something to be really focused on.
    And as you comment, I know that when I had the chance to go to the beauty salon it’s to remind me that I had been bringing into a clear view of inner beauty.

    I’m sure this is for all of us
    1 Peter 3:3-4 NCV
    [3] It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. [4] No, your beauty should come from within youโ€”the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit that will never be destroyed and is very precious to God.

    1. Thank you, dear Mia, for sharing this. It encouraged me a lot, because the part where you said: “I became a full-time mother and cook for the family (something that was unimaginable years ago), so nails stopped being something I really focused on.” That’s exactly me…
      It’s really incredible how He transforms our minds and hearts so that we live in line with His word and Will for us.
      The principles of His Word, when applied, lead us to this transformation that He does in us, and this gives us the privilege of always experiencing wonderful things by His side!
      Lots of love to you, my dear!๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’•

      1. Reading these words feel like a real hug ๐Ÿค—it’s lovely! It’s His love!

  2. Dear Martha, thank you for reminding us of the value of tithing, of running to Our Beloved for all our needs. It has been a learning experience for me to let my Lord be First and take everything to Him. And to see how He moves wonderfully and gives to us when we need it most. He knows what we need or want and is faithful, even in everyday things, and in our own desires.
    Tithing opens the windows to His blessings and makes us obedient.

    1. Yes dear Liza, this is true, He is always attentive and provides for all our needs.
      We must look to our True Source of everything, and not to anyone else.
      Much love to you, my dear!๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’•

  3. Thank you precious Martha for this beautiful praise report, you really encouraged me. I just love how our Darling Lord pampers us and really takes so very good care of us. I can also testify since I started paying my tithe, it is unbelievable how my Darling has come through for me, He is so very faithful and true to His Word.

    1. Yes dear Janine, our Beloved is Faithful in all His promises, He never fails, and He knows exactly what we need!๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’•
      Much love to you๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’•

  4. thanks for sharing Martha I’m glad to see how He is working in your life but mostly how you explained that relationship with him and the way when we obey it brings more blessing to our life.
    I on the other hand , taking cara of my self (salon and nails) was never my thing i did it my self but it does feel good to have someone else do it for you.

    And it feels Good to have a kind Husband taking care of us.

    1. Dear Jewel, obedience always sets us free!
      It is so rewarding for us to know that even when we have no idea what will happen, how we will live our future, He never abandons us or disappoints us! We just need to trust in Him and, for sure, at the perfect moment He will move everything in our favor!
      Much love to you and have a blessed day!

  5. Dear Marta, I was also always very aware and set on having my nails and hair done at the salon, but He took me through a season where I could not do it. Because I did nail courses previously, I had to start doing it myself and I had to learn to take care of my hair myself. But I do not regret that season because it taught me many lessons about inner beauty being more important. I still do my own nails and feet, because it is something I enjoy, but He provided so I can cut my hair at the salon again, and sometimes spoils me with salon cut and color, but sometimes I still color it myself. What stuck with me was what was shared in the Poverty Mentality, that we should still take care of ourselves and not look like we are stuck in the Poverty mentality. He taught me how to do it myself and provides ways to do it in ways that do not cost a lot.

    1. Wow, dear Adina, you remembered something that in the middle of the journey, when I didn’t have enough and thought I couldn’t spend, He taught me not to have a poverty mentality, but also not to spend what I didn’t have. And that’s where I learned to always seek Him for what I should or shouldn’t do and pay for it… The important thing is to know that with Him we can do everything, but that everything is according to His will and not ours.
      Thank you for sharing.

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