An Eternal and Real Love

โ™• Today's Promise: โ€œHe, the groom, must take center stage; and I, [His bride], must [lovingly] step to His side.โ€ John 3:30ย 

โ˜Š PR Podcast Olivia

Hello Brides, I am so excited to share something very special with you. If you have been part of the Ministry, so you will know about Love Songs. Love Songs that we sing to our Heavenly Husband to declare our love to Him.

If you are new here, this can sound a little bit different, but I want to tell you that it is so great to declare our love to Him by singing with our hearts. Thinking about it brings to my mind what Mary from Bethany did when showing her adoration and love to Him. She anointed Him with the most valuable thing that she had, an ointment made from pure nard (John 12:1-8), it was very expensive. But she could see that He was worth much more, He is worth everything.

Instead of reproaching her for using such an expensive gift on Him, He praised her action, making sure that everyone knew what she did. And I believe that He loves when we lavish our love to Him, through songs, and actions.

If you have checked our Love Songs page, you will see that each course has song theme, one of my favorites was Unforgettable, and I can hear it over and over again, but a couple of days ago, our Minister Team found the French version to the song "Thatโ€™s All" (Pour te plaire) theme for Moving Mountains course. The English version is beautiful, but the French version, just makes me fall more in love with Him, itโ€™s so romantic, and while I write this PR (Praise Report) I listen to this song thinking about the Love of my life, and I needed to share with you this incredible song. It makes me want to dance for Him. I want to invite each one of you to listen to it.

If you donโ€™t have a love song to sing to your HH, ask Him to show you where to look, then when you hear a song think about Him, your life together, when you are at home or when you go somewhere, a song that will always make you smile and sigh, knowing that this is an eternal and real Love. Sing with excitement knowing that one day you will be able to sing in His presence.

If you still are unsure about it, read the testimonies of His Brides, sharing about their love songs to Him. Then when He shows it to you, send a Praise Report to encourage women to find their love song, and sing your love to Him.

"Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation." Psalm 95:1 (NIV)

~ Sara in Turkey
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