
All this is from Him, who reconciled us to himself through His Son and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that He was reconciling the world to himself ...,β€”2 C5:18-19Β 

I continue to ask my Love for a closer relationship with Him, to prioritize Him in my heart. He reminded me of the principles I had learned from the "How GOD Can and Will Restore Your Marriage" and "Restore Your Relationships" books. As a result, I began noting down these principles, along with Bible verses and testimonies. I revisited the "Restore Your Relationships" book, rephrasing sections of Erin's writings to focus on truly putting Him first. This was at first just meant for myself on how to become even closer and have a more intimate relationship with Him. This was meant as notes for me but thought I would share this β€œchapter” as a praise/post for you all to read. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

The Lord wants to fix and restore my relationship with Him, He wants to be my Best Friend. I must stop putting ANYONE or ANYTHING in front of Him, just stop! He has a plan for my life, no matter how hard things seem. Trust Him that everything happens for a reason because I love and follow Him. He wants me to grow closer to Him and become more like Him, to fall in love with Him and know that He will never leave or abandon me, no matter how alone I feel at times.Β 

He allows things to happen for my good, I must try to find the good in every situation, even if they seem to be falling apart. The Bible says that hardships and challenges are necessary for growth. Just like gold is purified by fire, my faith is tested and strengthened through trials. When I feel overwhelmed, I must take a moment to relax and remember that He is always with me. I must be still.Β  I need to make sure my actions and words align with the principles. The enemy wants to ruin my relationship with my Beloved and make me feel hopeless. The enemy keeps bringing my thoughts to think my spouse is never going to recover or be broken from "addiction", I will never get out of my financial debt, along with other stuff. I need to learn to control my thoughts and trust in the Lord to free me of any fears. Don't let the enemy take me away from His love.Β 

I must connect with Him by regularly reading my Bible, praying, fasting and having faith and trust in His guidance and remember that faith is key to a meaningful relationship with Him. When things get tough, I shouldn't make impulsive decisions but wait!Β 

Stop telling myself negative things like "there's no hope" or "I'm not good enough." Instead, I must start praising my Love for both good and bad times. This is when He steps in and shows His love. To people, it may seem impossible, but anything is possible with Him.

After praying, I must search the Bible for guidance and answers. My Love said, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find" (M7:7). James encourages us to ask the Lord for wisdom, promising that He gives generously to those who ask in faith, without doubting. So, when I need wisdom, turn to His Word and trust that I will receive His guidance. Ask Him for faith, since β€œall good things come from above” (J 1:17). The Bible must be my guide to having an intimate relationship with Him.Β 

The world's ways are different from my Loving Lords ways. His way always leads to healing, fixing things, and happiness, while the world's ways often end in ruin.Β He provides things like sunshine and rain for everyone, regardless of their beliefs. However, He also offers spiritual gifts like healing and guidance only to those who seek them from Him. Β β€œfor He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” (M5:45)

David tried to hide his mistakes from the Lord and others, thinking no one would find out but He sees and knows everything because He is everywhere all the time. He just wants me to admit my mistakes to Him. David had faith in Him and admitted his mistakes, unlike many people today. He told the prophet Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord.” and David's open admission of his wrongdoing led to the Lords forgiveness. Nathan told David that the Lord had forgiven him and he would not die as a consequence. His forgiveness is available to anyone who admits and confesses their wrongdoings to Him.Β 

My Love sacrificed Himself for me. This amazing act of reconciliation is for everyone, and He wants to restore His relationship with all people through our Beloved. As a Bride, I have the important job of sharing this message of reconciliation with others. I invite others to experience the amazing power of His love and forgiveness, which can change your lives forever.

12 thoughts on “Ask”

  1. Thank you Hope thank you for sharing these notes you made with us. I totally relate with so much of what you wrote and feel that l wrestle with so many of these struggles that you share. I am also trying so much each day to draw closer to Him and to put aside so many unimportant things that takes up my attention to be attentive to Him and His voice and yes what is the answer? What must we do? ASK. Thanks for simplifying it and l pray HE helps us all to remember to ask and never stop asking β€οΈπŸ€—πŸ™

    1. Yes Atarah, I can definitely tell the difference when life distracts me with many things and I feel a little more distant from Him. He is the most important and I ask that He remind me of that everyday.

  2. Thanks for sharing Hope! My HH knew I needed that this morning. His Love is all I really need but there are times that I share these struggles that you shared as well. I must always put Him first and continue to ask Him for everything.

    1. Elda yes, it’s true, His love is all we need! If we feel low, let’s continue to ask Him to fill us up.
      β€œAnd we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him.” 1J5:14

  3. Thank you for sharing what our Darling Lord has showed to precious Hope, this is really encouraging. Just today I told Him I want to draw closer and closer to Him. Your post has been speaking to my heart now, because since last week it has just been so difficult at my outside job and this is how my Monday started, but through your post I know my Darling Lord is allowing it for a bigger reason.

    1. Janine, I’ve also recently faced emotional challenges at work. Despite working here for 17 years, promotions were given to others. Initially, I felt discouraged but then questioned the reason behind my feelings because I want to work from home! My faith reminds me that my Beloved has a greater plan for me behind these difficulties.

  4. Dear Hope, your words are very encouraging. The only thing that will give us that transformation, in us, is to seek and spend more time with the Lord. How beautiful how much wisdom He puts in us, to share with others, and just as you have done, you bring words of well-being and peace that I receive. Thank you very much.

    1. Thanks Liza, spending more time with our Love is definitely key. He fills us with wisdom and peace to share with others. When I feel far from His presence, I need to remember I can ask Him to come closer.
      “Ask, using My Name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy” J16:24

  5. Thank you dear Hope for sharing your notes. I also identify with what you share and with those mental struggles that we all go through and that simply calm down when we have that conversation with HIM who guides us and leads us to the truth that makes us free.

    1. Yes, having conversation with Him can bring a sense of peace and clarity that helps us get through our struggles and stay on the narrow path. I just have to remember to keep my thoughts on Him alone. πŸ’•

  6. Sooo goood my dear Hope. I calleed everything you number going “back to basics”. I, like you, wrote a journal filled with His Promises for my life along with parts of the Wise Woman book, The Abundant life series and Living Lessons, I take refugee in those things I wrote when the accuser wants to steal my hope. I decided to speak His truths out loud to rewind my thoughts back to my source of lifeβ™₯️✨ thank you gor sharing what you are learning ✨

  7. Isabella, I love that you also have a journal filled with His promises. It really can be a great resource to turn to when the enemy tries to steal my hope. He is so faithful. πŸ’–

    β€œBlessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.” -Pr 8:3435

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