Attracted by the Love of the Lord

Dear friend, here you will learn to see and feel the wonderful power of our beloved heavenly spouse, and you will understand that for Him nothing is impossible, He can do everything!

This chapter in Week 1 My Salvation Story is very interesting and powerful because it reminds me of when I was young. I was 20 years old and I was in charge of the boy scouts group in the Catholic church in my district. I had 36 children in my charge and every Sunday we went to mass, and while the children prayed repetitive words, I would sit down and talk to GOD as if he were sitting next to me, and when we went camping always before traveling I would say to GOD (that's what he was called it at that time).

Daddy God, take care of my children on this trip, take us well and come back well because we are your children! And we never had any accidents. I was more than 17 years old with many children during the Boy Scouts, and always my Beloved took care of us, and I am sure that He prepared me with this job of guiding children, because that helped me to support the church today where we currently work with teenagers, whom we teach with my EH to learn to depend on GOD the way I learned here at RMI.

We started with 3 boys, today we have 18 teenagers and they are adding more! ... Among them are 3 of my nephews (children of my brothers, who are not believers) but thanks to our prayers and my nephews they are allowing my nephews to attend the "Christian" church.....all this is the work of my Beloved! To save the rest of my family... I love him so much and I am very grateful to him.

I learned to understand that my HH has his perfect time, and when it is his will, everything happens! And that is what is happening with the lives of my brothers and sisters-in-law, who are little by little being attracted by the love of the Lord, through their adolescent children who never tire of praying that their parents love the Lord as well... I no longer struggle with preaching to my relatives, because, my HH is the one who is in charge of doing his will in them.

I thought about my brother who is addicted to drugs, and his wife is not alcoholic but socially drinks liquor and is aggressive, his daughter, my niece suffers a lot because of that, and it is difficult for my brother to leave drugs (in his human will), but I know that my niece's prayer, and in unity with all who prayed with her, my Beloved HH will save these lives!! I'm sure He will.

I am doing every principle learned in the RMI courses, and I know that this has been something important to ‘win without a word” many close people and my nephews who love to attend our meetings of teenagers, so much that they strive to do their homework and help at home for their parents to let them attend!

My precious HH I thank you for every beautiful promise fulfilled in my life, thank you for letting me know that you have more to give me! Like this beautiful Salvation Stories Course that I'm starting! Thank you because I asked for more, and you give me more always! I am happy to be able to know what you hear when I speak to you, even when I just think, you already heard what I said, you are wonderful, and today I ask you to heal my bones! Restore my bones as if you were doing them again please! I need my strong bones to be able to continue doing what you guide me to do. Thank you, Beloved, because I know you read me! And that it’s already done if you want it! I love you so much, and there's no way to measure, but it's a lot.

Acts 16:31 (ESV) “And they said, “‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.’”

This verse is a beautiful promise that I am sure my Beloved will fulfill as he has been doing since I met him!

~ Ziva in Peru
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