This morning I woke up feeling down in my spirit so I spoke to my HH telling Him that I did not want to feel this way and that even though this is the way I felt emotionally that I was not going to lean on my emotions and how I felt emotionally. I told Him that He is everything to me and all that I needed and that I was going to have a wonderful day with Him. Thankfully He will never leave us feeling this way when we go to him and speak to him about our feelings ๐
I opened up my Encourager to read about Cali in London ministering in Ghana and after I read about Cali I thought about Tara and Sara and their journeys that we have all been reading about every Friday #LALTour. I thought about how wonderfully He has been leading and guiding them in their travels and about the wonderful Praise Reports I read and the pictures that I have been enjoying their travels on Instagram.
This dear wonderful Husband showed me that I too am His bride on a journey with Him. I may not be physically traveling like Tara and Sara and Cali but I am still on a journey with Him each and every day, and what He showed me is to ask him where He wants to take me and what he wants to do? Because we are all His brides and we are all made wonderfully and fearfully in His sight and He has a journey, an excursion, a trip, a path and a perfect plan for each and every one of us ๐
Psalm 139:14 Amplified Bible (AMP)
I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.
Here we are, my Love, each and every one of your brides and right now I ask that you show us YOUR plans and purposes, the trip, the journey, the excursion that you have planned for each and every one of us to travel for your glory.
We have such an awesome future with our HH and we all get to travel on this exciting journey with Him at our sides:) All we have to do is ask him about it!