FDA “Whose Trust IS the Lord”

"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two" (M538).

To suddenly be handed divorce papers is a huge shock and is enough to fill us with fear of the future—will the children be provided for? Will we be provided for? And on top of that, the church and many others see divorce as a death sentence and something we need to recover from.

Our flesh will want to fight against the divorce, fight for what is "rightfully" ours, and see to it that we are provided for. And that is also the advice we will get from those who are in the world; although well-meaning, it is worldly advice. We will be advised to appoint a good lawyer to fight for us.

But do you trust the Lord enough to release your lawyer or not appoint one? Do you trust Him enough to appoint Him as your Mighty Counselor?

When I was facing divorce, I was getting advice from everybody. I was told to appoint a good lawyer to fight for me and to see to it that I get what was "rightfully mine" and that the children and I are provided for. Basically, I was told to get "an eye for an eye" and to repay evil with evil. But that is not what the Lord teaches us in His word. He tells us not to stand in the way of sinners or to resist evil. So, I made the decision to appoint the Lord as my Mighty Counselor and to go through the divorce with Him by my side, applying the principles in this book. And although I still had some fear because I just started on my journey, I made the decision to only trust in Him, and He came through for the children and me despite what the divorce papers stated, we were provided for, and the divorce did not break me, yes it was a bit sad because that is not what I wanted for myself or the children.

After the divorce, I became a new woman. I was not broken. Just as the author shares in this lesson, if we go through a divorce as true believers, trusting Him completely, we will come out on the other side as new women, not broken women.

To build your faith to enable you to release your lawyer, you must read the principles in this book over and over again, refreshing your mind. Meditate on the scriptures in this book and His promises to you in His word, "washing yourself with the word," and read the testimonies in this book of those who went through divorce before you by putting their trust completely in the Lord, their Heavenly Husband.

If you want to be blessed, you must trust the Lord wholly and only.

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD and whose trust IS the LORD" (J175).

"Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble; He delivered them out of their distresses" (P1076).

Read some encouragement from other brides after reading this lesson:

Dear brides, the Lord has already heard your prayers and He is for You. The victory is already tours. I am going maybe through the hardest times since I signed divorce papers yesterday but God had prepared me to have peace, I am already His. And yesterday He showed me how the disciples may have felt when the lord was rejected and crucified. Maybe confused, sad, disappointed, frustrated. Maybe how I should feel today, maybe how you feel today, but it was precisely at that moment when the victory was about to glow. Take heart He is with you and for you. He is all mighty and will defeat your enemies that who already know He is the king!!!!
-Gloria un Colombia

This chapter reminds me of God's promise, about trusting him because he cares for me and his plans are not my plans but are better plans. He gives us more than we can think, imagine or ask, things that we have not seen or heard of. Last night my EH emailed me saying he wanted to proceed with divorce, he asked me for my address and the name of my attorney. I don't have an attorney, last year I consulted one after he told me he wanted to divorce and I told him. So he thinks I hired one. God knows I felt the same pain in my body for a few minutes after reading his email. But I cut the fear and started praying and giving thanks to God, knowing and trusting him he is in control, he is with me all the time and immediately the pain was gone. I am so grateful that I can have his word every day and that I know how to get rid of pain and sadness feelings. I think the biggest take away is to Trust my beloved no matter what comes at me. He is with me and all things work for good for those who love him.
-Aisha in NC

2 thoughts on “FDA “Whose Trust IS the Lord””

  1. This course amaze me everything I read a portion. I really feel encouraged! There is so much wisdom and encouragment on waiting in the Lord always! It is scary going through divorce, but with Our beloved we can experience true joy and find the abundant life He offers. We need to let go in order to receive new things!

  2. Thank you for sharing dear Adina, I wish I had joined RMI years ago because I handled so many many things wrong, but now I can share all this wisdom and principles with other women.

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