Forgiveness, RMI The Missing Link

My Dear Brides, this is truly a time to rejoice!! My heart is full seeing my Husband doing miracles all around me. This may be a bit long Ladies but I really want to share what an amazing ministry we have here at RMI. Thank you Erin for this gift from God that you have shared with us.

We have friends (a couple) that have gone through adultery. Divorice papers were filed by the husband, my friend let him go completely and last minute he withdrew them and they were restored. They were a real true live story of what is described in the testimonies we read about here in the ministry, even though my friend is not part of the ministry.

Then years later, during my separation and divorce I found RMI, my HH and I became his bride. So here we were, one restored and one not. At the time that I truly forgave my FH and I became free, I shared this with the couple. The husband thought we reconciled and gotten back together but I explained that we had not but through the Lord I was able to truly forgive. Getting back together doesn't necessarily mean there's forgiveness and we don't necessarily need to get back together to forgive.

Me and my friend (the wife) have been real close that we share details about our journey. We share PR with each other about what the Lord is doing in our hearts and lives. It was something only we could understand. Alot like us brides here at RMI have a different mindset and are set apart.

During conversations, the things of RMI would just flow freely when I would share or respond. Often she said she was struggling and it was the Holy Spirit speaking to her heart through what I said.

About 6 months ago or so she shared that she realized she hadn't really forgiven him. She still was in pain from it all, she had triggers and they almost divorced again because these feelings and problems were always brought up again and again by her. She didn't feel good about her marriage, her anniversary or about her husband's hobbies. She was still angry deep down inside.

So, the truth was, she was restored but not reconciled and I was reconciled but not restored. Her marriage was restored, but without RMI she was missing a very important part, forgiveness. One morning I was lead to share with her the link to a specific chapter. I don't even remember which chapter it was, I just did what I was lead to do. Months later she was led to find quiet time alone to read it. She felt such peace, she put it down and said to the Lord "Ok, I'm ready" and she surrendered. Shortly after that her husband came into the room crying saying he didnt know what suddenly came over him, all these feelings of sorrow for all the hurt he ever caused her.

She was able to say she forgave him and truly meant it. She promised to never bring it up again and it was gone and over with. She also said she forgave all the OW. She knew it was all the doing of the Lord and she could not do it without Him. She witnessed first hand that only through Him it is possible and He can do all things. She gives Him all the Glory!! After 10 years of pain and sorrow, trying to forgive on her own, she finally surrendered it to the Lord and let HIM do it and she found the true forgiveness only He can give. Since then he's been telling her every day that he's never felt so close to her ever before and she's so beautiful. I told her he's seeing her through different eyes now. It's not about being physically beautiful, he's seeing the Lord through her heart.

She said I was the only one she could tell that would truly understand what the Lord has done. I was just so AMAZED! I love seeing my Husband at work. Everything He does is amazing.

She said the way Erin wrote about it using Scripture was what touched her heart. From someone who has been through it and just wanted to share it to help others. RMI is not only about restored marriages. Its about true healing and true forgiveness. Erin, thank you for RMI. You have touched so many lives by being obedient to The One Who can do all things. πŸ’πŸ₯°

So since I don't remember which chapter I shared, I encourage all brides to share a link about forgiveness with other brides here who may need it. β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

4 thoughts on “Forgiveness, RMI The Missing Link”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this, last year during the Wise Women Retreat in Cape Town I had to speak about the Gentle and Quiet chapter in A Wise Woman ( When I read the title “Forgiveness” in the chapter I just knew that was what my Beloved wanted me to talk about and my own journey of forgiveness, not just my fh and the ow, but also my parents.

    I want to quote this part from the lesson: “Many of us who have forgiven our husbands who have been unfaithful to us experience β€œflashbacks” of the adultery after our husbands have returned home. It’s almost like a type of spiritual war trauma. We know that we must always walk in a spirit of forgiveness.”

    If you struggle with forgiveness, this chapter will really help you to understand how important it is to forgive and walk in forgiveness.

  2. Ruby my dear thank you for sharing this, everything you shared is so true!! I agree the link that Adina shared is on forgiveness and the perfect chapter.

    What l would like to share and say that helped me when l struggled with forgiveness was to write out many scriptures on forgiveness and read and memorise them. It changed my heart and the struggles l had to forgive went away. Because its Gods word that sets us free 🎈

  3. Thank you sharing this beautiful testimony precious Ruby.
    I struggled so much with bitterness and it was on our Wise Women Retreat after Adina shared out of Chapter 3 – about forgiveness that I went to sit outside and I told my Darling Husband that I want to forgive my earthly husband and do it for my Darling Heavenly Husband, but that that I need Him to help me and He did and I can’t explain the peace that came over me, I felt so free.

  4. How beautiful forgiveness can be. Here is a part from the lesson that stuck with me throughout my restoration journey.

    -And if I don’t forgive him? What are the grave consequences of not forgiving? β€œBut if you do not forgive men for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will not forgive your transgression” (Matt. 6:15).

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