Friday #LALBride “Take Heart and Don’t Give Up”

Hello Dear Brides!!! It was a long time since I wrote my last PR, I want to ask forgiveness first to my Beloved HH and also to you ladies, for my delay in sharing about His greatness, kindness grace, and love, I praise the Lord for everything that He does and for who He is o/

I want to begin this PR by sharing with you what happening in my life after the wonderful LALTour with my Beloved HH and sweet friend Tara. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to meet your brides, during this journey.

When the LALtour came to an end, the Lord our the perfect Husband, gave me and Tara five more weeks together in Sicily, where we could not only rest but also recharge and be prepared for the new things happening in the Ministry and in our personal lives. I can’t even describe how amazing it was, I had the best company ever, we could talk about Him all the time!!!

Many things changed now, and I’m grateful for the time He gave us, constantly working in our hearts and bringing us closer to Him. Now I’m back in Turkey, to continue His work here until He calls me to go elsewhere.

I was really reluctant to write a PR, not because I didn’t want, but because I didn’t know what to write. From the moment I put my feet back in this country, a new spiritual war began in my life, and I felt tempted to think that there was nothing to praise Him. How foolish of me, after everything that I learned here, I still listened to the lies of the enemy.

One of the first things that we learn here is that we need to Praise the Lord in the middle of the adversities and trials, not just when we have a victory. I remember also that Tara used to say to me to get excited when the troubles come, because soon He will turn everything to good according to His will, and He will bring the rain.

So when I asked Him what to write, He brought to my mind the Psalms where the people of Israel reminded of everything that the Lord was done when delivered them from the slavery in Egypt, and that we should never forget to Praise Him always and all the time.

And that’s why I’m here today, to praise the Lord for everything that he did in my life and for walking with me, for teaching me about who he is, and who I am in Him. His Bride!

The situation here is not good, and I’ll be sharing more with you in upcoming PRs how the Lord is unfolding everything and making new things.

I woke up today with a word in my mind “Ebenezer”, that means “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” And I know that He will continue His work, because “He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”

If you find difficult to Praise Him because of your difficulties, just remember that He is by your side, walking with you, working in your life, we do not need to see, He called us to believe. So look at Him, seek His beautiful face, delight yourself in the Lord, don’t be anxious with tomorrow, be patient and wait for the Lord He will come to rescue you. Take heart and don’t give up, He is worthy of all the glory.

“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1

“Men shall speak of the power of Your awesome acts, And I will tell of Your greatness. They shall eagerly utter the memory of Your abundant goodness And will shout joyfully of Your righteousness.” Psalm 145:6-7

“Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” 1 Samuel 7:12

“I shall remember the deeds of the Lord; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.” Psalm 77:11

~ Sara, who’s back again in Turkey

FLM Translations Branch Director

Now He’s LEAD Sara  & Tara along their own routes.

So, once again, be sure to FOLLOW His brides individually until they meet again back in Turkey to continue the LALTour together again!

Sara  & Tara are on Instagram #LALBride 

If you’re one of His brides too— consider meeting to fellowship with them along their Abundant Life Journey. Sara is on her way to Brazil, while Tara is touring Asia: the Philippines, Japan, Singapore—then onto Australia!!

If you are serious about meeting either of our brides, please email:

We can let you know the dates and locations of where they will each be and forward your email on to them.

MINISTRY NOTE: Tara and Sara left Italy, after living in Sicily resting with their HH and doing ministry work—then departed from Rome—to continue on their LALTours alone with Him.

If you’ve just joined following the Encourager blog, it began when Tara met Sara and began traveling, with their first country Athens, Greece!! (Acts 17:16) then flew up to Dublin, Ireland and then traveled north by train to Belfast, Ireland. Belfast is where Erin’s grandfather was born and immigrated from.

After Ireland, they crossed the Irish Sea by ferry and made a short stop in Glasgow before heading to Edinburgh, Scotland.

Then Sara  & Tara took the train down to London, England where are meeting at least 3 brides who’ve contacted us! One is Adele whose RMT you read last Saturday “Was I Sincere in the Apologies I Made to Him?” They are so excited to finally meet her!

Their first stop on the European continent was PARIS—where they hadn’t even planned to go! Yet He lovingly orchestrated a meeting with two brides in Paris, France and also another bride (and former minister) after traveling through Vienna, Austria. Saturday they were so excited to meet and spend time with Aimée in Slovakia!! 

Last Friday our brides were in Venice, Italy then stopped in Florence and Pisa before heading to ROME (their final destination along their LALTour). For the next six weeks, they will rest physically and work from Sicily.

If there is ONE principle we repeat and follow it’s He LEADS ME

Psalm 23: 1-3—
“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He LEADS ME beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.”