He can do impossible things in our lives!

Hello darlings.
Today I want to tell you about another miracle that my Heavenly Husband did in my life, protecting me, guarding me and preventing worse things from happening.
Last year He gave me a car, which my daughter and I had been asking Him for, because I confess that I wasn’t comfortable always depending on people to take us shopping on the weekends, but He provided us with having the vehicle at the moment. timely, when He knew we would need it more intensely, as I would need to take my daughter to school daily. Ever since I bought this car, I always asked Him to take care of everything, the engine, the tires, everything, and that I didn’t have to keep asking others what I should do with the car, so as not to embarrass Him, because if He is my Husband, I trusted Him to take care of those things too.

Well, a few days ago I went to the Capital with my sister, and halfway through we stopped to fill up, and during that period, the attendant at the gas station came asking if he wanted me to check the oil, water, and to tell you the truth, I didn’t I wanted to let him check it, but at his and my sister’s insistence, he ended up checking it, and said that I needed to change it immediately, as there was a risk of the car’s engine melting, as there was not enough oil. I confess that it upset me at the time because I saw there that I should have asked Him, and in the heat of the moment I didn’t do that.πŸ˜“ The guy did the oil change and I paid a very high amount, but we finished the trip and went back to home, in peace and safety. But this week, almost a month after it happened, I had to take the car to the electrician because the airbag check light was coming on. Arriving there, we were surprised and everyone was scared when opening the car’s engine, the electrician found that the radiator water reservoir cap was not there, and that there was no water inside the reservoir. At the time, he asked me where the cap was, and I didn’t know how to answer, because the last time my car was touched was that time, almost a month ago. The electrician called all his employees to show them what had happened, because my car was running without water in the reservoir, without the cap, and according to him, this is impossible to happen without the car’s engine melting… At the time I could only glorify my Beloved, because He is the One who can do the impossible in our lives, and show everyone, and ourselves that with Him we can do all things, and that He is our protection, our direction and our security.
All my praise to Him for taking care of me and my daughter in such a special way and making us live more each day in His total dependence.
Thank you my dear, because You are everything I want and need to live. I love you my Beautiful and Beloved Heavenly Husband.

β€œOur hope is in the Lord; he is our help and our protection.” S3320

14 thoughts on “He can do impossible things in our lives!”

  1. Thank you for the beautiful praise. What an amazing miracle on how He protected you and your daughter. A whole month driving like that!!! Wow, I check my car’s oil and water and I forgot to put the water cap back once and when I drove like that for maybe a day. When I realized something was wrong, you won’t believe it, but the cap was still in the engine exactly where I left it, it did not fall out while I was driving, it should have, but it did not! A wonderful way to start our Monday morning knowing that our hope is in Him and no one else for He is our help and our protection. He is the only one that can protect us!

    1. Thank you dear Yvonne for coming here and sharing our Beloved’s protection in your life too.
      Surely dear, only He has the ability to protect us…

  2. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful praise Simone!! I’m sooo glad that He blessed you with a car !! And that He is protecting you!! How can you explain this??? It can only be HIM that protected you!! πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

    1. Yes dear, it was a blessing to receive and now be able to enjoy greater comfort having our own vehicle.
      Yes, things that man cannot explain, but we know it could only have come from Him.

    1. Thank you for coming here and sharing such powerful encouragement from HopeAtLast.com. And it’s super true, only our Beloved will be with us wherever we go…

  3. My sweet Marta!!! I just want to say WOW!!!!! He is your best protection!!! I can only imagine how love you feel and protected!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  4. I thank you for coming here dear Isabella. I feel more loved and more protected every day, having Him by my side.
    Our Beloved is sensational. He is our everything…

  5. Wow Marta dear!!! What amazing miracle Your Husband did!!! He is so Wonderful and its marvellous how He cares about you and your beautiful daughter!!

    Thank you for sharing !!

    1. Yes dear Ariele. He is the protector of us and our children.
      He really is always surprising me and Brincy with so much care and love.
      Thanks friend for coming here.

  6. Thank you dear Simone for sharing this beautiful praise. He is really truly so wonderful and deserves all the glory and praises. It lets met think of years ago when my one son was still a baby and I too prayed that my Heavenly Husband will protect my car. My baby was in the back of the car, but I didn’t have a good baby seat and for a second I had to push the baby seat back and I bumped the car in front of me, it was such a loud bump, other cars stopped. When I climbed out to look at the damage there wasn’t a scratch on one of the cars. The man in the other car was in so much shock and said but what happened, why is there no scratch, it was such a strong. I started praising the Lord and said, praise the Lord, His angels were in between us, the man just looked at me in more shock πŸ’—

  7. Oh dear Janine, thank you for coming here and sharing this beautiful testimony of your Heavenly Husband’s protection and your baby’s Father. Glad you stayed safe… Our Beloved is really amazing… always doing His impossible for us.
    Much love to you dear!

  8. Thank you Marta for sharing this beautiful praise! He truly is our best protection, and your testimony just shows how faithful He is when we leave our protection in His hands!

    1. It’s true dear Adina, He is faithful to those who trust and surrender to Him.
      Thanks for coming here dear.

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