♕ Today's Promise: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5
Sometimes we have to just stop what we are doing to Praise Him \o/
A couple of months ago I wrote a praise report about how my Heavenly Husband had blessed me with my own car as my earthly husband bought a 2nd hand 4x4 vehicle so I was given our family car.
Well today I would like to share how my Heavenly Husband helped me! 2 weeks ago I went to book my Learners Test. Firstly I was a bit worried because I was not sure if the documents I took would be accepted as it was dated 4 months back... but the documents was accepted! And.. I was given a date to write the next week! This is unheard of here in South Africa... When I started writing the test.. I stopped.. Oh no... there were questions asked which I did not know or study.. things had changed since the last time I had written.
I felt disheartened and started thinking that maybe I would have to come back and go through the whole process again to re-write my test... I had asked my Heavenly Husband that morning to help me and I had made up my mind to surrender this to Him... So I stopped... I asked Him for wisdom and told Him I stood on His word that when we ask for wisdom He gives it to us liberally without finding fault... Then He led me to read very slowly through the questions again that I answered but was not sure of... if my answer was correct and He gave me understanding of what was asked. So I finished off the test and clicked to find out if I had passed...
I passed!! \o/ My other praise is that my earthly husband apologised and said that he was sorry that he did not support me when I had been trying to get my license... Everything at the time was such a mess in my life, I was going through my separation and divorce... so it was really nice to hear and have his full support this time around.
It's amazing how this time around everything seems to be falling into place so easily and is not a struggle like it was the last time I tried to get my license.
So now I have my Learners License and I can start practicing my driving. I can't wait to write my praise when I get my Drivers License :))
Our Heavenly Husband is so good to us and I believe that He wants to restore all the areas of our lives where the enemy tried to steal from us. Yesterday in our Restored Brides Zoom Fellowship I was so encouraged by what the brides had to share, our lesson was the FAL Chapter 3 and what I loved is where the writer mentioned that we are our Heavenly Husbands Bride, not a wife or a helpmeet because He does not need us to help him in any way.
As a bride we remain "in love" and I believe that we stay in this state of romance with our Heavenly Husband because of ALL the wonderful things He does for us. I witness it all the time by reading all the amazing praise reports written. He does not stop cherishing us and loving us and giving us special gifts and providing and taking care of us and this keeps us "in love"
Isn't it just so beautiful :))
“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:” Psalm 37:5-6
~ Atarah in South Africa
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